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just have to focus on what's next because that's what you can change.24.Why did Kariko leave the University of Szeged?A.She wanted to seek greater development.B.The university couldn't afford her researchC.The university thought little of her research.D.She didn't meet the demand of the university.25.What's Kariko's life at the University of Pennsylvania like?A.Enjoyable.B.Aimless.C.Struggling.D.Life-threatening.26.Which of the following can best describe Kariko?A.Determined and positive.B.Ambitious and humorous.C.Emotional and passionate.D.Independent and creative.27.What can be learned from the text?A.Kariko and Suhadolnik agreed on the job offer.B.The mRNA vaccine technology benefits humans.C.Kariko's contribution got wide recognition in 2005.D.Kariko and Weissman started to research mRNA in 1989.CThe mental health benefits of exercise are well-documented.And anyone who'slived through middle school knows those years can be particularly challenging.Thenew study comes at a time when research shows that youths across the US arestruggling with mental health.Sean Wilson,a researcher at Loma Linda University School of Medicine,and hisco-authors wanted to see if a cycling instruction program could result in measurablechanges in well-being for teenagers.Their study chose more than 1,200 students,ages 11 to 14,registered in middle schools across the US that offered a programcalled Riding for Focus from the nonprofit Outride,which conducts research andprovides cycling programs and equipment for the students.Students had a cycling class for at least three days a week,for a minimum of sixweeks.They learned cycling safety and operating skills outdoors while raising theirheart rate and just having fun.The students completed questionnaires before andafter the program designed to measure their well-being."We find that cycling can benefit not only the body but the mind and socialrelationships as well,says Esther Walker,the senior research program manager forOutride.While many forms of exercise offer brain benefits,aspects of cycling give ita leg up on other physical activities,Walker says."It engages all of these other partsof brain function,such as sensory perception,"he says."You are looking at your25DY·英语(一)-BSD-选择性必修第一册-N
