



【写作提示】第三部分With a lifespan(使用期)of10to15 years,the第四本文的语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境为人与社会。作者在公Tiangong space station could become the only one共汽车上看到一个小女孩用自己的实际行动向妈妈表明应该在练left when the NASA-led International Space Station习本上写字,而不是在公交车座椅后背上乱写乱画。这一举动不retires in 2030.And China has already announced仅使得她妈妈很羞愧,想到自己平时乱涂乱刮的坏习惯,作者也plans to expand the Tiangong in coming years分十分愧疚。语根据续写第一段首句可知,小女孩的妈妈在听到女儿的话之64.to allow (allow)more astronauts to stay aboard后感到尴尬又羞愧。那么她的妈妈如何评价小女孩的行为呢?对at the same time.65.The construction of the于两人行为的反差,她的妈妈有何反应呢?两人又是如何对待刚Tiangong has been a symbol of China's capability in作刚的涂鸦呢?看到这一幕的作者有何感想?用space.根据续写第二段首句可知,作者意识到自己有同样的问题后也羞愧难当。作者之前为何意识不到这是个坏习惯?作者准备何面对这个坏习惯?作者最终做了什么呢?第一书One possible version:Hearing her daughter's words,the mother seemed假定你是李华,你校英语社团将组织励志演讲第四部分very embarrassed and ashamed.Her face turned red比赛。请你以Be self-confident and go forward为题immediately.A moment later,the mother calmed down写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:1.自信的作用;2.如何培养自信。部分and told her daughter what she did was quite right andshe would do the same as her daughter did.Finally,the注意:mother hugged her child tightly,and placed a gentle1.写作词数应为80个左右;kiss on her daughter's forehead.At the same time,they2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。作proceeded to erase the notes the mother had writtentogether.Witnessing this heartwarming scene,I wasBe self-confident and go forwarddeeply moved by their family love and environmentsawareness.【写作提示】Suddenly,I realized my bad habit of scribbling and第四部分本文的语篇类型是应用文,主题语境为人与自felt ashamed for the first time.I felt ashamed of myself我。题目要求以Be self--confident and go forward为第四部分for what I had been doing unconsciously.Yes.I had the题写一篇演讲稿。habit of scribbling on the walls.I had never felt bad此题属于命题作文,同学们可以根据自己对题after all these years as I saw many people doing thesame at bus stands,public toilets,railway stations and目的理解,适当添加细节并整合信息。正文可以分even temples.However,I knew that it was time for us写为三段,要点归纳如下:第一段阐述自信的作用;写to stop the bad behavior.So I decided to write a letter第二段分点说明如何培养自信;第三段总结全文,to our mayor,asking him to call on all the citizens to升华主题。carry out a campaign of "banning scribbling".Ibelieved he would definitely support this campaignOne possible version:B1-B4版Be self-confident and go forward本1-5 CBCAB第四部56.arrivalAs is widely acknowledged,self-confidence is what drives ustowards success.It is our self-confidence that lets us overcome6-10 ABCAA57.growingdifficulties and seize opportunities.So how can we become confidentB11-15 CBCBB58.fully16-20 CABAAand go forward?59.liftedTo successfully achieve self-confidence,we must have broad21-25 CDADAknowledge.We should spare no effort to equip ourselves with as60.headingmuch knowledge as possible.Then,we should accept who we are参26-30 BCDAB61.oneven if we have our own weaknesses.Last but not least,when31-35 CBDAD62.that/whichmeeting temporary failure,we should believe that we'll overcome it36-40 DECGB63.sixthsooner or later.案41-45 ABDBCWith self-confidence as our guide,we just need to go forw64.to allowreaching new heights and achieving our goals.46-50 DABCD65.The(范文中的画线句子可作为佳句背诵)51-55 CADCB第二节阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段写作第一节One possible version:使之构成一篇完整的短文。本Be self-confident and go forward第四部分注意:期As is widely acknowledged,self-confidence is what drives us1.续写词数应为150个左右;towards success.It is our self-confidence that lets us overcome2.请按如下格式作答。difficulties and seize opportunities.So how can we become confident版and go forward?Hearing her daughter'sTo successfully achieve self-confidence,we must have broadwords,the mother seemed参knowledge.We should spare no effort to equip ourselves with asvery embarrassed andmuch knowledge as possible.Then,we should accept who we are写作ashamed.even if we have our own weaknesses.Last but not least,whenSuddenly,I realized my考答meeting temporary failure,we should believe that we'll overcome itbad habit of scribbling andsooner or later.felt ashamed for the firsWith self-confidence as our guide,we just need to go forwareaching new heights and achieving our goals.time.of the(范文中的画线句子可作为佳句背诵)
