



Many people look up to Wang who was named as a National Moral(有道德的)Model,,and theywanttoecome likeher because of hers behavior.far,Litong District has hadvounters,earlypercent of them being women.Wang has moved her officefromher hous1,400-square-meter volunteer service center."The more volunteers there are,the fewer difficulties people will face.Iwill keep doingoactivities."Wang said.As you grow older,you will discover that you have two hands,one for helping yourself,the otherfor helping others.25.The Lanhua Volunteer Group was named afterA.a flowerB.the founder's name26.What can yorhC.the founder's birthplaceA.There were 4,000 families in Wang's community.B.Wang and her teammates often helped people in need.C.Shu and his younger brother have opened a restaurant.27.When does the group oferconceA.On Mondays.B.On Tuesdays.28.What can be the best title of the passage?C.On Wednesdays.A.Wang Lanhua and Her Volunteer GroupB.The Life of Wang LanhuaC.The Importance of Helping OthersWaming:this article may make you want to yawn ()Why?It's because we're talking aboutthe world of sleep cycles()in light of World Sleep Day which was celebrated on March 21st.Our bodies sleep in 90-minute cycles,experiencing five to six each night.Each cycle has fourstages.At first,you entera light stage of sleep when your muscles relax.Then,the body temperaturedrops,and the heart rate slows.Next comes deep sleep.It's difficult to wake up during this stage.Thisis when your body repairs itself and builds up energy for the day ahead.Finally,you get into the rapideye movement sleep stage.Waking up in the moring in thewrongstage can make you feel especially tired.An app calledSep Calcuator cn help youavoid this.It'sa toolesigned toworkfectiforyoubased on your wake-up time.Developed by the UK company Hillary,this smart app takesintoaccount the sleep cycles oubodiesohroueach night..Whether you'eaarly birdrhtw(猫头鹰,simply st yourwake-up time,and the app will work its maic,sugesting the bestbedtime to help you wakefeeling energetic.株洲市2024年初中学业水平考试模拟检测英语试题卷第4页(共8页)
