


26.根材料内容道择最佳容案。21.Who can be a volunteer according to the text?27B.15-yearold Linda.A.12-year-old JiriD8-year-old John.C.17-year old Ann.2922.If Vietor asks for a job on Sundays,he may eall4077-5385.583-5036D.375-3628C55690S02.Which pieture can deseribe the underlined word "sinks"?owant to be a radio reporter,you should meet the following requirements EXCEPTB.A you should be good at spoken EnglishB.you are free every morningC.you'd better master some writing skillsD.you must be interested in singing25.In which part of a newspaper can we read the text?A.History and Society.B Dreams and Jobs.C.Festivals and Culture.D.Nature and Science.B1Once there was a poor old woman who lived alone.She used to sell oranges on theroadside to the supermarket.A young man always bought oranges from her.Whenever the young man bought oranges,he would pick one orange from oranges hebought,taste a piece of it and say to the old woman,"It doesn't taste sweet..."Saying this,he would give that orange to the old woman.Then the old woman would taste that orange andsay,“But,it's sweet.”Still the young man would leave that orange there complaining (that it was notsweet.The young man's wife who used to come with him,could not understand him.Then,one day hiswife said,"These oranges are always sweet and yet you do this.Why?"The young man smiled and said,"That old woman sells very sweet oranges but she nevereats them herself.That's why I leave that orange for her to eat."One day,the vegetable seller who used to sit beside the old woman,asked her,"Thisyounmuc while buying oranges.But while weighing oranges,you alwaysgive him more oranges.Why so?"Theodwoman replied,"His complaint is not about oranges but about feeding me thatHe thinks that Idon't understand him.But when I see his ove,res on the sce(秤)automicly(自动地)increase..”【英语第3页(共8页)】·24-C7166
