真题密卷 2024年普通高中学业水平选择性考试模拟试题·冲顶实战演练(一)1英语(BT)答案


真题密卷 2024年普通高中学业水平选择性考试模拟试题·冲顶实战演练(一)1英语(BT)答案,目前2024届衡中同卷答案网已经汇总了真题密卷 2024年普通高中学业水平选择性考试模拟试题·冲顶实战演练(一)1英语(BT)答案的各科答案和试卷,更多2024届衡中同卷答案网请关注本网站。

39.A.fairnessB.honestyC.loveD.politeness40.A.joyB.planC.shapeD.value-41.A.beautifulB.convenientC.peacefulD.popular42.A.businessB.competitionC.interviewD.survey43.A.howB.whatC.whenD.whyB)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。每个词限用一次。thoughrecord spirit return develop own seldom traditiontheyafterideaOn warm winter days,Yang Liheng,89,enjoys sitting by the window and lookingthrough old photos.44 bring him joy and happiness once more.Yang became a photographer in the late 1950s.Yang 45 the great development ofhis hometown over time."I had a painful childhood,but I got a chance to be a photographer46 the founding (of the People's Republic of China.I want to record the localcustoms,the scenes and people's brave 47 of fighting against the hard conditions here inmy hometown."I used to take pictures'for everyone else,but 48turned my camera at my familymembers,"Yang said."It was my grandson who gave me the 49.It's meaningful to recordthe growth and development of my 50 family.Taking family photos has become a51 for my family now.My grandchildren try their best 52 during the Spring Festivaland prepare for the special moment,53 some of them are working and living in othercities .Last year most of his photos were shown in Yinchuan to show the 54 of the areaover the past sixty years.It was an important year for Yang.四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共46分)A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。Lovely dog aged 5.I am moving and I can't take him with me.Very good with children.I'dlike to give it away to a good home.Tel:863-1986Women's dress,size 12,silk,not worn.$150 each.Also three dresses for girls between 5 and 9,$50 each,$120 for three.More information call Laura at 567-9832Welcome to HILO Store Take any old pair of shoes'to us between now and Sept.30.Andyou will pay ten dollars less for a new pair of HILO shoes.Address:Stone StreetTel245-591555.Why does the owner of the dog want to give away the dogA.Because he or she is going to move awayB.Because he or she has too many dogs at home.C.Because he or she doesn't like the dog any more.D.Because his or her mother doesn't want him or her to keep dogs.九年级英语试卷第4页共8页
