



全国©0所名校高三单元测试示范表bec教学札记Some ofrenomfortable asking for help beeause we believe tht ourreqplaces burdenspresentations.Kira's presentations now have punch!on the other person However,we may miss opportunity to show thers how we value andIs the saving goetherepet themPope hoknow you d think wll of youre ofte igymoivted tohelp.sit inFrtherore the more sef you can be bouhat you need om thethe easeitsomyour legs at your anklesdi wih your legs crossed,continto assist you.24.Which of the following may the author agree with?Wiat is the finction of paragA.Helping others is helping oneself.A To present a finding.B.Weak people often need more help.CTo introduce the topic.C.Asking for help means admitting weaknesses.What are paragraphs 2 and 3D.Well-positioned requests for help are welcomed.A.The harm rumour does to25.What can we learn about Kira's request for help?B.It benefited her boss.B The problems caused by sA.It was turned down.D.It led to her promotion.C The effects crossing legs26.What does"Kira's presentations now have punch!"underlined in paragraph 4 mean?C.It turned out rewarding.D The ways of making crosA.Her presentations are effortless.B.Her presentations are effective.What does the author suggesC.Her presentations are educative.D.Her presentations are controversial.A.Understand the significar27.What's the purpose of the text?且Leam how to adjust the】A.To illustrate how to ask for help.C.Stick to what you think isB.To encourage people to ask for help.D.Do things in a proper wayC.To call for attention to others'requests.D.To show the importance of helping each other.31.Which cn be a suitable title【答案与解析】A.Crossing your legs is not本文介绍了寻求帮助的好处」B.Is sitting with your legs c24,D根据第2段第1句“然而,那些能够提出合适请求的人通常被视为非常强大的人。”可推断,作者赞成这个观点:提出合适的请求是受欢迎的」C.Are you reminded to uncr25.C根据第3段倒数第1、2、3句可知,K阳在准备演讲稿时,希望创作有吸引力的演讲稿,于是请求老板参与演讲D.Humans are creatures of稿的创作过程,希望及时获得老板的反馈。再根据第4段的第2、3句可知,老板乐于指导并教给Kr演讲技能,借案与解扪】Kira的演讲技能大有提高,由此说明Kira向老板寻求帮助是值得的。26.B画线部分上文内容提到:Kira在老板的热心指导下,地的演讲水平得到了提高。由此推测画线部分意为Kira牙究发現翘二郎限不一定会对健康的演讲是有效的。27,B根据全文可知,寻求帮助可以赢得他人的尊重,并且能提升自己。由此推断本文的目的是鼓励人们寻求帮助。心第1颗的作用是引出文章的话题0报摇第23段可知,这两段主要CDo you sit with your legs crossed?One study found that two-thirds of people ross theirrigh0及希景后一段内容可知,作者建leg over their left knee rather than the other way around.Maybe you are one of them.The eruiB族全文可知,人们抢心德二郎附question is:Is sitting with your legs crossed bad for you?Let's investigate.集点害,因比选项B适合作为本It has been rumoured (that crossing your legs cuts off circulation and there is someto that.However,crin you leg at the knee orankle ista badas youthnkMstdies have emined roing leand itsinkstovariousheathsuchedIt would be an understatemenpreurendjont pan Crossing you egnn have a bad effeetnoueathfsiting in the e ostion for many hours,which may cause peroeal erve pasy(腓神经麻tNot towrrybecause this conito rarelyshumansare rees of habitposition for so long usually isn't comfortable,which means that we're always moving around.Varicose veare eimed to be another health effect of rnoeVrmussels'in Pohandtha rhen bood beginstofill inside strethedand weked【24·G3DY(新高考)英语-R-必考-N】0
