[正确教育] 2024年高考预测密卷一卷(新高考)英语答案


[正确教育] 2024年高考预测密卷一卷(新高考)英语答案,目前2024届衡中同卷答案网已经汇总了[正确教育] 2024年高考预测密卷一卷(新高考)英语答案的各科答案和试卷,更多2024届衡中同卷答案网请关注本网站。


2.What can leam ou the moq-npred needeom the tex?A.They have been put on the market.B.They required more puneture foree than the ordinaynesC.It's easier for them to get through the skin.D.The lower puncture force may cause them to miss the target.30.What is the authorsttitude towardthe mosquito-inpiredeedeA.Unclear.B.Tolerant.C.Doubtful.D.Positive.31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.The painless needles inspired by nature.B.The application of the mosquito-inspired needles.C.The latest medical advances made by researchers.D.Mosquitoes'unique way to take the blood painlessly.DWhen we think about lives filled with meaning,we often focus on people whose gramcontributions benefited humanity.Abraham Lincoln,Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandelsurely felt they had a worthwhile life.But how about us ordinary people,struggling in a typicalexistence?There is an important element to consider.Think about the first butterfly you stop to admirafter a long winter or imagine the scenery at the top of a hill after a fresh hike.Sometimes existencedelivers us small moments of beauty.When people are open to appreciating such experiences,thesemoments may enhance how they view their life.This element is defined as EA(experientiaappreciation)by Joshua Hicks,a psychological professor at Texas A&M University.Recently,he and his research team set out to figure out whether EA was related to a personsense of meaning in a series of studies that involved more than 3,000 participants.At an initialtest,researchers had participants rate their agreement of different coping strategies to relieve theistress.They found people who managed stress by focusing on their appreciation for life's beauyalso reported experiencing life as highly meaningful.Researchers then conducted a series of experiments,in which they gave participants speciftasks and,once more,asked them to report how strongly they identified with statements linkedpurpose,ete.In one case,participants who watched an awe-inspiring video reported havinggreater sense of EA and meaning in life,compared with those who watched more neutral()videos.After reflecting on the resucoleted from the participantserfdhioriginal theory.But applying that insight cn be difficu.Our mode fast-paced projefill the day with targets and goals.We are on the go,and we attempt to maximize oupubwork and at leisure.This focus o future outcome makes it all too easy to miss what is happeiright now.Yet life happens in the present moment.We should slow down,let liferisembrace the significance in the everyday life.32.Why are the butterfly and the scryon a hill mentioned in paragraph2?A.To introduce a concept.B.To attract readers'interest.C.To demonstrate the beauy ofnaure.D.To show the necessity of protecting nature.33.How did the researchers conduct the study?A.By designing different strategetoreduceB.By studying previous research data.C.By shooting videos starring the participants.D.By analyzing the response from the participants英语试题第5页(共8页)
