



One possible version:First,Gina found a box full of all kinds of toys.She took out her play doctor kit and chose the toystethoscope.Next,she grabbed a pen and a book from her desk.Finally,she went to her closetand found a wool ball she used for making gloves.Gina went back to the living room and said,"Look what I have,Grandma!"Grandma was very surprised to see that Gina had found thesealternatives."Wonderful,Gina!All we need now is a bowl of rice.Let's get one from the kitchen."Quickly they got it.Gina and Grandma placed all the items on the table,just in time!Gina's mom and dad enteredthe room with baby Annie,all of them wearing hanboks.As the doorbell rang,the rest of theguests arrived.With excitement filling the air,Gina's dad announced happily,"Now,let the partybegin!"All the family and friends gathered around the big table,and Gina's mom put Annie on itscenter.All eyes were fixed on the little baby,eagerly waiting to see which item she would pick up.部分解析阅读第一节A篇主题语境:人与社会一一体育本文是应用文。文章介绍了Mickelson Trail Biking Day Tour的相关信息。21.B。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的However,,for most people,.the section of the trail fromRochford to Hill City makes for a nice day's ride.This 22.5-mile part of the trail features numeroustunnels,railroad bridges,and breathtaking scenery可知,本文向大多数人推荐22.5英里的骑行游。22.A。理解具体信息。根据Pricing and what's included部分中的相关价位可知,2人一组,每人付299美元,一共付598美元。23.C。理解具体信息。根据Other things to know部分的内容可知,这一骑行游不仅限于骑行,还可以根据人们的要求包含额外的活动。B篇主题语境:人与自我一一生活本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者和女儿一起参加吹口哨大赛的故事。24.C。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的International whistling contest?That couldn't possiblyexist,could it??可知,作者在听说吹口哨大赛后,感到非常惊讶,不相信世界上还有这类比赛。25.B。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的A month later we got the word that we'd made the cut..You can imagine my surprise when I read the email可知,一个月后作者收到邮件,得知他们通过了选拔赛,这让他感到很惊喜。26.B。理解具体信息,根据第四段中Carole所说的You are both very naturally talented but I cantell you've only ever whistled for your own entertainment.You both need to practice and learnhow to whistle for an audience可知,Carole认为,作者和女儿都有吹口哨的天赋,但是他们只是自娱自乐。她建议他们多练习,学习如何为观众吹口哨,即建议他们多加练习为舞台表演作准备。27.D。推断。根据倒数第二段的内容和最后一段中的Truly caring about something can feel alittle silly.to find what we truly care about可知,作者容易感到恐惧,尤其是当他对某事感到太在乎的时候。经过这次比赛,他感到自己的那种恐惧消失了。他觉得,真正在意某件事让人看起来有点傻,但是他不再因为害怕别人的看法而选择回避,故推断,吹口哨比赛让作者懂得要勇敢地去做自己想做的事情。
