



Q5:What does Mary eat with stir-fried tomatoes and eggs?(W)A5:Either noodles or rice.(M)PART C:Retelling故事复述Long ago,there was a small town near a big green forest.The forest provided people with shelter,food,and wood to make a living.However,as time passed,the people became greedy andstarted cutting down the trees without limits,ignoring the importance of protecting them.Oneday,a severe flood swept through the town.Homes were destroyed,crops were washed away,and the whole town became a wasteland.Seeing this,most of the people decided to abandontheir hometown and go elsewhere,believing that their hometown was lost forever.But Tom andhis family couldn't bear to leave their hometown behind.They refused to give up and weredetermined to rebuild their hometown.With great courage,they began building new houses andplanting trees.The road to recovery was long and challenging.Tom and his family workedtirelessly,which inspired more and more people to join them.Slowly,the wasteland became anew town and had a green forest nearby again.Trees grew tall,wildlife returned,and the air wasfilled with beautiful songs of birds.The people realized their mistake and shared their story withfuture generations,stressing the importance of protecting nature and the consequences ofdamaging nature.Summary:Long ago,there was a small town.It was near a big green forest,which offered peopleshelter,food,and wood to make a living.However,as time passed,greedy people started cuttingdown the trees without limits.One day,a severe flood swept through the town.Homes,crops,and the whole town were destroyed.Seeing this,most people decided to abandon theirhometown and left.But Tom and his family didn't leave and were determined to rebuild theirhometown.With great courage,they began building new houses and planting trees.It was a longand challenging road.Tom and his family worked tirelessly,which inspired more people to jointhem.Slowly,a green forest appeared beside a new town again.Trees grew tall,wildlife returned,and the birds sang sweetly.The people realized their mistake.They shared their story with futuregenerations,stressing the importance of protecting nature and the results of damaging nature.第30期测试题参考答案1-5 CBBAB6-10 CDDAB11-15 CACBD 16-20 GDFCB21-25 BCCBD26-30 BDCAD31-35 ACDAB36-45(One possible version)36.is known37.a38.to test39.who40.dizziness41.regularly42.demanding43.patients44.on45.leading写作(One possible version)第一节Dear Mike,I'm writing to express my concern about your unhealthy focus on basketball competitionresults recently.I understand that you want to perform well in the school league,but it'sdefinitely not desirable to pursue good grades regardless of your health.Constant overtraining has led to your physical exhaustion.As your friend,I'm worried aboutyour well-being.I know you're passionate about basketball,but it's important to keep in mindthat the true purpose of sports is about building character and maintaining fitness,not just
