



责编:白利萍艾娜孙婷2023-2024第26期双语学习报☐辅导测评周刊高考版X新教材新高考第36期测试题参考答案1-5 DABBA6-10 CCDCB11-15 CCBCD16-20 FBECG21-25 CDDAA26-30 BDCBA31-35 BDACB36-45 (One possible version)36.efficiently37.to indicate38.involving39.where40.like41.it42.reliable43.communication44.be employed 45.dangers写作(One possible version)第一节Dear Tom,Glad to know that you're interested in sachets.Here I'll tell you more information aboutsachets-an important Chinese cultural symbol.Sachets,which are actually silk bags filled with spices,have been around since ancient China.They come in various shapes and colors.The most common patterns are animals and flowers,behind which there are symbolic meanings.Wearing fragrant sachets is a tradition to celebrate theDragon Boat Festival.It's said that sachets can help drive pests,illnesses and bad things awayfrom those wearing them.Nowadays,sachets are also fashionable decorations and are popularwith many people.I hope my explanation can be helpful to you.Yours,LiHua第二节Paragraph 1:Just then,my mom arrived,anxious,and insisted on a careful check in the hospital.Theemergency medical workers took my dad to the nearest hospital where my father did a series oftests to determine the extent of the damage.Time seemed to slow down as we waited for theresults.Finally,the eagerly expected reports were delivered.The doctor approached us with agentle smile,gradually easing the tension that had held on to our hearts.Doctors told Mom thateverything was truly fine with Dad.The accident didn't cause any damage to his body.Paragraph 2:"But we found he has cancer;fortunately,it's not serious yet,and able to be cured,"doctorsadded.And they said that with a few more months of growth,the cancer would become veryserious.And it would have been too late to save him.Immediately,my dad was treated by doctorsand just several months later he recovered.Now,many years have passed,and my dad is still freefrom cancer.If it weren't for that accident,he would probably be gone by now.You never knowwhat ways luck will find to present itself.1/1
