黄冈八模 2024届高三模拟测试卷(三)3英语(B)试题


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)61Why did Pinku always lose to Tutu?A.Because she ran too slowly.B.Because she had trouble moving.C.Because she wanted to help Tutu.D.Because she was so hungry and had no energy.(2.Wat doe huderined ord hmeA.Surprised.B.Worried.C.Pleased.D.Touched.CSanthosh was a student of Grade 9.He got home at 4:00 p.m.every day.He usuallydrank some milk and then did his homework.One afternoon,Santhosh's cousin came to his home.Santhosh was happy to see her.Theyplayed basketball and watched TV together.Santhosh had a wonderful time.But he forgot todo his homework.The next morning,his teacher asked him,"Why didn't you do your home-work?"Santhoshosaid nothing.But then he said,"I had a fever."The teacher thought it wastrue and asked how he felt now.After that,Santhosh felt sorry.He felt it wasn't right to lie.When it was time for lunch,he didn't eat his food.His good friend Suguna asked,"Why don't you eat?"Santhosh kept qui-et for some time and then started crying Suguna waited for him to speak.Slowly,Santhoshstarted,"Yesterday I played with my cousin and forgot to do my homework.But I lied to MissMiller."Suguna said,"Don't worry,Let's tell her the truth.She'll excuse you.Santhosh and Suguna went to Miss Miller's office.Santhosh said,"Miss Miller,I'm sorrythat I lied to you.I didn't have a fever yesterday.I forgot to do my homework.Pleaseexcuse me.”Miss Miller said,"I'm happy that you told me the truth.Remember that telling lies isn'tgood.”63.What does the underlned word ParagrreeroA.Doing homework.B.Playing basketball.C.Having a fever.D.Watching TV.(Whyhs fiaish his hmewkA.Because he had a fever.B.Because he forgot to do it.C.Because he left his books at school.D.Because he went to his cousin's home.(65.Who didll heo?A.His teacher.B.His cousin.C.His parents.D.His friend.DMany kids love to eat junk food,such as hamburgers,French fries,potatoes chips,pop-corn and pizza.Why are these kinds of food so popular?The reason is clear:They're delicious.Why are they called "junk food"?Of course,junk food isn't made from rubbish.In fact,it hasa number of fat,sugar and others.It's the added salt that makes them taste so good.However,these foods only taste good,and they're not good for people's health at all.One result:Americankids are eating too much salty food.Table salt is about 40 sodium(.Our bodies need some sodium to work properly.Buttoo much of it isn't healthy.It may even cause heart problems later in life.Much of the sodium that kids eat comes from processed foods.Potato chips and other saltysnacks aren't the only food Bread that most kids eat for breakfast also has much sodium.九年级英语试卷第6页(共8页)
