



学教学全国@©所名校高三单元洲试示范表扎记札记The theme of the Student Forum:Innovating and Inventing Music in the ClassroomKala has deep ties to her Hawaiian roots.Her ancestors navigated (the oceans forThree elements to the programme:cnturies using their knowledge of the stars,the sun,the currents and the wind.It's not that shePractical and creative music making through sharing examples of musical activities,andoes it in a canoe without technology,but rather uses the natural technology around her.It's calledcreating new music together.wayfinding,and was taught to her by her father.ODiscussion on the theme and sharing the students'different experience and perspectives of"My father was my foundation,my rock,"Kala said of her first voyage with her father fromlearning to become a teacher in their own school system.Oahu to Lahaina in a traditional canoe.He taught Kala how to read the stars,the ocean swells andParticipation in selected conference activities,and group work.how to use them to hold the course."Over 200 stars have specific names and purposes when you areSelection criteriaWayfinding.You have to look at each and determine if they are rising or setting.You know this starThe participating students should:nd the direction it represents..If you can do that,you can use it as a tool to orient(确定方向),”currently be in the final years of their music teacher training programme;Kala added.be interested in European and international perspectives in music education;Kala sailed the canoe in the ocean for up to three weeks.During the day,Kala used the sunO have a basic knowledge of English;ntil it hit a certain height.When she got closer to land,she looked for certain species of land birdshave the ability to work with others and contribute to debate.nd clouds that indicated there was land below.When Kala sailed"I feel very connected to the crewEAS Student Forum Team:nd the canoe.We're a family."The longer voyage required Kala to spend hours studying the daySara Savovic (Faculty of Music,Belgrade,student delegate,Serbia)nd the night skies.It was demanding physical work.But it also had its moments of awe.For Kalamail:savovic.sara4@gmail.comhe beauty was in tying together the past and the present to enjoy the moment.So when she was notProf Dr Branka Rotar Pance (University of Ljubljana,Slovenia)sailing,she was teaching Wayfinding skills to school-aged children in hopes of preserving the skillsmail:branka.rotar-pance@ag.unilj.siTom Rousselet (Le Centre Formation des Musiciens Intervenants,de l'Universite'Lyon 2)her ancestors relied on.mail:tomrousselet@univ.lyon2.frIt's easy to be lost in the immediacy of the technology of our day,to be consumed by screensProf Dr Oliver Kramer(Rostock University of Music and Drama,Germany)and miss the nature that unfolds around us.But if we will take the time to look up,to see the starsmail:oliver.kraemer@hmt-rostock.deand the sun,the way the clouds move,the miracle of life beneath and above us,we will discoverContact person of the EAS board for further questions:Prof Andreas Bernhofersomething deep inside us,something that will always lead to happiness.mail:andreas.bernho fer@moz.ac.at24.How does Kala navigate the ocean in a canoe?21.What do we learn about the Student Forum?A.By turning to her father for help.A.It usually lasts five days.B.It invites professors as teaching guidesB.By using navigation equipmentC.It presents the history of music.D.It focuses on creation of music in classC.By following the course of ocean currents.22.Which is a requirement for the Student Forum participants?D.By observing the natural elements around.A.Being native English speakers.25.What did Kala think of the three-week voyage?B.Being good at communication.A.It was a heroic adventure.B.It brought great joy to her life.C.Rich experience in music education.C.It represented a kind of bravery.D.It was school children's favorite.D.A unique view of European education.26.What does the author advise us to do?23.Who can students consult for more information?A.Enjoy the screens.B.Get close to nature.A.Sara Savovic.B.Oliver Kramer.C.Explore space.D.Keep the earth clean.C.Andreas Bernhofer.D.Branka Rotar Pance,27.What can be the best title for the text?【答案与解析】A.Finding our wayB.Navigating the ocean本文介绍了第20届国际EAS(欧洲音乐学院协会)学生论坛的相关信息。C.The wisdom from ancestorsD.An unforgettable journey2L.D根据The theme of the Student Forum:Innovating and Inventing Music in the Classroom可知,本次学生论坛的【答案与解析】主题是音乐在课堂上的创新与创作。Kala利用父亲所教的方法Wayfinding驾独木舟在海洋中航行了三周。22nB根据Selection riteria部分中的have the ability to work with others and contribute to debate可知,学生论坛的24.D根据第l段可知,Kala利用父亲所教的方法Wayfinding驾独木舟在海洋中航行,即Kala通过观察周围的自然:参与者应善于沟通。元素在海洋中航行。23.C根据EAS Student Forum Team部分中的Contact person of the EAS board for further-questions:Prof Andreas5B根据第3段倒数第2、3句(但它也有令人敬畏的时刻。对Kala来说,美好之处在于把过去和现在联系在一起,Bernhofer可知答案享受当下)可推知,航行使Kala感到快乐。278【24G3DY新高考)英语-R-必考Y】【24G3DY(新高考)·英语-R-必考-Y】279
