



第第BYou can also find some free in-person trial classesthat you can attend with your parents at a locationOne day,Lisa Carne was swimming through anear you.bed of seagrass in northern Belize when she saw apiece of coral(珊瑚)lying loose on the sandy分National Geographic's Explorer ClassroomExplorer Classroom is a live interactive course分bottom.She stopped to look at it.With its richthat connects young people.You can hear behind-color,,the fragment(碎片)seemed alive despite阅the-scenes stories and interact with scientists,阅having broken off from its mother colony(群落).读researchers and powerful storytellers from around读Carne was struck with an idea:What if she pickedthe globe.All events are free.Learn about bees.this up and moved it to a dead reef(礁)?Could sheseals,polar conservation and more.help the reef recover more quickly?g第Skillshare第Carne kept thinking about the fragment asSkillshare is an online learning communityshe finished up her swim.The reefs close to herhome had recently been hit by a hurricane.Whenwith thousands of classes for creative and curious分she returned home,she started searching onlinepeople,on topics including illustration,design,分for anything she could find on reef restorationphotography,video and more.Skillshare's teachersLater,she began to fashion an underwaterare real experts eager to share their knowledge.nursery(苗圃).Borrowing techniques fromacademic research,she used some metal to make a读With a free trial,you can enjoy free class optionsfrom learning to draw jungle animals to the magic读pair of underwater tables.She would swimof math in movies made for kids.around the reefs that were resilient(恢复力强的),cutting small fragments from healthy colonies第MoMath第She brought each one to the shallows long enough toglue it to a disk,then "planted"the fragmentsWhether you are already passionate aboutunderwater on her metal tables.Slowly,they grew.部math or just starting to explore its wonders,部Then she started transplanting her corals directlyonto the reef.MoMath will expose you to cool areas of math notToday,Carne's nonprofit,Fragments of Hope,covered in school.It'll help you develop a lifelongworks with local fishers to identify promising spotsappreciation of math.Drop-in classes are guided by阅and track the progress of every piece of coral they读an experienced educator,and are available everyplace on the reef.And it ranks among the longest-读weekday,and some are free such as Color Gridsrunning coral restoration programs in the world.When I spoke to Carne on Zoom last fall,she hadand Math in the Corner Pocket.set her virtual background to show the progress ofher first plantings on the dead reef.第第Branching corals filled the background."You can'tcount that!"she said,gesturing at the thick forest1.What is special about Activity Hero?部分behind her.It offers offline trial classes.For years,Carne struggled to attract majorB.It encourages kids to do yoga regularly.funding for her efforts.That appears to be阅C.It provides free online live performances.阅changing.In 2020,the company Swiss Re crafted apolicy to pay out nearly S1 million to send teams of读D.It gives kids chances to interact withscientists.读people to stabilize and replant corals that had beenbroken into pieces by a hurricane along theshoreline near Cancun,Mexico.第2.Which course should you choose if you have a第4.What impressed Carne when she swam ingreat interest in painting?northern Belize?部A.MoMath..Skillshare.部A.The sandy bottom of the sea..The fallen coral branch.C.Activity Hero.D.Explorer Classroom.分C.A piece of dead reef.3.What does MoMath intend to do for kids?D.A bed of seagrass.A.Inspire them to do academic research.5.What does paragraph 3 focus on?阅B.Tell them the secrets of learning math阅How Carne managed to save coral reefs.读C.Help them apply what they've learnt in class.读B.Carne's academic research on coral reefsStimulate their lasting enthusiasm for mathC.The influence of Carne's underwater nursery.learning.D.How Carne collected corals while swimming inthe sea.
