



    8、中学生标准学术能力测试2024 9月
你校正在组织英语作文大赛。请以“我与身势At 6:45 the next evening,I showed up at the clothing写语有关的经历”为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括读center in an old brick building on Main Street.“Thank you,”said Kate when I arrived.“It's really1.你的亲身经历;2.你的感受。后simple.My husband and I will manage the actual clothingroom;we just need you to run the welcome table by the door.作注意:续Have people line up,make sure they know what they need,give写作词数应为80左右them a bag,and then we'll take them in one at a time.In the题目:My experience with body language写past few weeks,we've got a ton of donations of clothes,shoes,gloves,etc.,so we should be able to help many people."The directions seemed clear enough;I figured I couldhandle it.How many people in my town were going to show upon a snowy Wednesday night for free clothes anyway?At 7:00pm,Kate unlocked the front door.注意:【写作提示】1.续写词数应为150左右写读2.请按如下格式作答。本写作要求你写一篇英语短文,讲述你与后Looking out,I was surprised by the number of身势语有关的经历及感受。时态应以一般过people who would come in.作去时为主。审题可知,第一段可强调身势语续的重要性;第二段讲述你与身势语有关的经历;第三段表达你的感受。写That snowy Wednesday night marked thebeginning of my journey into community service.One possible version:【写作提示】Body language is one of the most powerful means of作者的朋友Kate和丈夫创办了一家衣物捐赠中心。写communication.Last Friday,I heard someone calling for help on my way读一天,他们由于人手不够,希望作者来帮忙。作to the library.后者并不热衷社区服务,但在Kate的再三请求下,I looked around and saw a young foreigner sitting by the他最终同意了。根据续写第一段的首句可知,作作roadside.I asked what was the matter.He covered his续者向外望去,惊讶地发现来了这么多领衣物的人。stomach with his hand and gave me an empty medicine作者起初是什么样的心情?他在分发袋子的过程bottle.I understood him quickly and bought him the写中产生了什么心理变化?本段可围绕这些问题展medicine in a nearby drugstore.With the medicine taken.开。根据续写第二段的首句可知,作者开始了社he recovered gradually.He was grateful for my help区服务的旅程。因此,本段接下来主要描写作者Actually,it was body language that helped him.是怎样开展社区服务的,并通过一个具体事例来(范文中的画线句子可作为佳句背诵)升华文章主题。阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语One possible version:续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Looking out,I was surprised by the number of people读My friend Kate has always been involved inwho would come in.They were of different ages,some incommunity service.She and her husband founded a读worn-out jackets,and others with tired eyes.Anxious and后clothing center,offering free clothes,shoes,etc.to anyonepanicked,I stood by the door,offering smiles and warmthwho needs them.后in the cold air.My uncertainties faded as I saw their续Then there's me.I'd never been involved ingratitude.I distributed bags,engaging in briefcommunity service.Instead,I spent my time and money写buying snacks,dining out,watching TV and movies,etc.写conversations and learning about their lives in thosestruggling moments.Kate's words rang in my mind:That changed one evening last winter when Kate“Boldly go where you have never gone before.”Icalled me.She told me she needed my help and then askedrealized it was more than handing out bags;it was aboutwhat I would do the next evening.I replied briefly that Icontributing to the community that I had ignored.wanted to see a film."But David,tomorrow I need your help forThat snowy Wednesday night marked the读several hours at my clothing center,"Kate continued.读beginning of my journey into community service.The"I had a family who signed up to help this week,butnext day,on my way home from work,I stopped后they've got the flu.My husband and I can't run the后before stores to do some shopping for Kate's clothingcenter.I considered the varied needs of those who续place alone."I hesitated,thinking I might not beable to help since I had never been to her clothingwould receive these donations as I selected items.写center before.But Kate insisted,saying that the next写Each choice was aimed at providing warmth andevening she needed me to boldly go where I hadcomfort for someone facing challenges.Kate's call lednever gone before.Since my friend was desperate,Ime not only to a clothing center,but also to a placehad to agree.where empathy and action are connected.9
