


5.Helen was about to give up looking for her pet dog when she heard it barking.II.1.it is evident that2.It is said that3.There is no doubt that4.would rather live;than get5.difficult to understand语法小测I.1.wouldn't get 2.waiting3.making4.had seen5.keeping6.had returned7.would have ended 8.beingII.1.It makes no difference whether you go today or in a couple of days.2.not until we have finished the exercises that3.Had she checked4.It is thought that5.makes it a rule that第19期A4版Key(One possible version):实战演练Last Sunday,our class took a trip to the Great Wall.We were filled with excitement on theway there.In the morning,we gathered at the school gate and went there by coach.Upon arrival,wewalkedalong the ancient path.We climbed up the steep steps,feeling so tired.The magnitude andgrandeur of the Great Wall took our breath away.We took many photos along the way,and finallygot on the same bus and returned in the afternoon.Visiting the Great Wall reminded me of the beauty of China and the wisdom of ancient Chinesepeople.I will always cherish this meaningful experience.
本文标签: 仿真模拟考试答案
