


W:The biggest one is heat.People spend lots of money heating their homes and offices only because the heatis constantly losing.I want to make it so that the homes keep the heat in for longer.M:What about electricity?People use a lot of electricity,too.W:I am looking at a mix of solar and wind power to generate electricity.But the technology needs to getbetter.M:What else do you think could be improved in home design?W:How modern buildings use water.We waste a lot of water when it could be cleaned..M:These all sound like amazing ideas.I can't wait to see them in action.Text10:Welcome to the Trailside Museum.Here you can learn about the local animals and their naturalenvironments.There are many animal samples we have on display.One of our most famous is a large blackbear.They live in this area but are uncommon.Many fishermen see them during certain seasons,but they stayaway from humans.Most are seen near the lake.I think you will see some of these birds the most.You haveprobably seen many of our local birds already.Most people mainly notice little brown birds and the birds withred chests,but there are many different types of both.My favorite bird is actually the one with the color of thesky.It is a bluebird with a black head.Right now it is spring when many animals are born.There is a lothappening in the forest because of this.However,it is also the wettest season.This is why the north path isclosed.Instead,hikers will need to use the higher and older paths through the park.4
