


Three days later,Oliver entered his classroom in low spirits.But what he saw surprised him.The classroom was decorated with colorful balloons and there was a big "Happy Birthday!"on the blackboard.Just then,all his classmates stood up,cheering and wishing him a happybirthday.Then Sophia invited Oliver to go to the front of the classroom and said to all thekids,"Let's take the chance to know Oliver."She told the kids about Oliver's condition andasked Oliver to share his interests with them.That day,Oliver was very touched and felt thefriendliness of his teacher and classmates.Paragraph 2:The following afternoon,Oliver invited his classmates to his home for a small party.Assoon as they arrived,Oliver's face lit up with excitement.He showed them his favorite toys,and his parents prepared all kinds of snacks and drinks for them to enjoy.The kids all playedtogether,jumping and laughing.With the encouragement ofhis classmates,Oliver also sangseveral songs.Before his classmates left,Oliver expressed his sincere thanks to them.Later,Oliver made many friends in his class.He gradually forgot about his differences because hefelt accepted and welcomed at school.第21期测试题部分答案解析阅读理解A导语:本文是一篇应用文,属于“人与自我”主题语境。介绍了四种创意的午餐盒想法。2l.D。推断。根据第二段的These containers.a variety of foods.Fill one section withcolorful fruit slices.a handful of berries..可推知,这些容器允许你用各种各样的食物做一顿饭,包含水果片,蔬菜,鸡肉或鸡蛋,小点心等,即让孩子们能够享受营养均衡的食物。22.B。推断。根据第三段的Kids can make their own sandwiches by adding their favoritefood to...an enjoyable experience.可推知,孩子们可以通过添加他们最喜欢的食物来制作自己的三明治,使午餐成为一次愉快的体验,即允许孩子们展示自己的创意。23.A。理解具体信息。根据第四段的Wraps are not only easy to get ready及第五段的With just a few steps,you can complete them.可知,这两个午餐盒的共同点是它们都很容易制作。2/6
