


的了看,结果发现小女孩又笑了笑,作者自己也一起笑了,share that smile意为“一起笑”,符合语境。故选B项。39.B考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们一起笑了起来,我知道我永远不会忘记她的勇气和内心的力量。根据句意可知,此处指永远不会忘记小女孩的勇气和内心的力量,inner符合语境。故选B项。【参考范文】Seven months into the school year,when the contestday finally arrived,the kids felt ready to take on theworld!They warmed up,listened to my talk,and madetheir way to the performance area.As my choir mountedthe risers,I looked at the three judges and rememberedhow improbable this scenario had seemed at the begin-ning of the school year."Smile!"I mouthed.Theylooked confident.I took a deep breath,and we began.They performed masterfully.We finished our songs,and I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs,"YOUDID IT!”After all the choirs had performed,we waited in ourassigned room for the results.While waiting for the jud-ges'scores,the kids gazed at the clock,went forsnacks,gazed at the clock,drew on the chalkboard,gazed at the clock....Two very long hours later the re-sults were posted.I stood frozen,staring at the list indisbelief.There was our name at the very top:a FirstPlace award with the highest marks of all.All aroundkids were squealing and embracing.Warm tears wet mycheeks.And I realized that I was surrounded by kidswho had a dream-kids who refused to give up-kidswho taught me to never doubt the possibility of success.
