


2l.C。理解具体信息。根据Canada介绍内容中的While athletes ride and race throughcompetitions,the event also features music performances,parades,carnival rides and more,游客可以在CALGARY STAMPEDE欣赏音乐表演。22.A。理解具体信息。根据South Korea介绍内容中的JULY21-AUGUST6,BORYEONG MUDFESTIVAL可知,BORYEONG MUD FESTIVAL为期17天,超过两个星期。23.D。理解具体信息。根据USA介绍内容中的the wonderful Burning Man Festival takes placein Black Rock City,a modern city set up in the heart of the Nevada desert,BURNING MAN将会在一座现代城市举办。B篇主题语境:人与自我一一生活与学习本文是记叙文。满怀信心的Marina Murphy去美国追求自己的演员梦却屡屡碰壁。心灰意冷的她在一位老者的鼓励下重振旗鼓,最终走出了困境。24.A。理解观点、态度。根据第一段中的She set her sights on going to America from Ireland.Marina believed that she would have chances that she wouldn't have anywhere else.She coulddo anything she wanted可知,Marina在去美国之前满怀希望,认为自已在美国可以得到很多机会,过上很好的生活。set one's sights on决心。25.D。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的She spent very little money and worked severalpart-time jobs.Marina's dream lost its brightness可知,Marina来到美国后,生活拮据,吃了许多闭门羹,自己的演员梦也逐渐变得黯淡了,生活和事业面临着诸多挑战。26.C。理解具体信息。根据第五段中的“Don't jump ship yet.Give yourself more time to see ifyou will succeed.I believe that things will get better,,”he said可知,得知了Marina的境遇之后,这位老者向Marina提出了建议,并鼓励她坚持下去。27.A。理解词汇。根据最后一段中的Marina decided to try things out for a year longer以及The old man had been right.She just needed to endure the bad to find the good.She was finallyhaving a whale of a time可知,Marina听取了老者的建议,拼尽全力在美国生活,终于在美国站住了脚。由此可推测,划线部分意为Marina“习惯了美国的生活,不再惧怕”。(take tosth.)like a duck to water像鸭子入水般容易,毫无畏惧(习惯于某事)。have a whale of a time玩得非常痛快,过得非常愉快。C篇主题语境:人与自然一一环境保护本文是说明文。文章介绍了红毛猩猩。28.B。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的Sensing our presence,the angry mother began shakingbranches and throwing them down to the forest floor to let us know she was displeased.Shewanted us to leave!T可知,在察觉到作者一行人的行踪后,红毛猩猩妈妈表现得十分不友好,向他们丢树枝,企图驱使作者一行人离开。29.C。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的Orangutans primarily search for and eat fruit in theirhabitat,hanging upside down to eat it if necessary.They then disperse the seeds as they travel,earning them the name“gardeners of the forest.”可知,红毛猩猩在觅食行进的过程中会散播种子,因此它们也被称为“森林园丁”。30.D。推断。根据第四段中的描述,特别是cover themselves with large,leafy branches asprotection from the sun and rain making tools to take out seeds from hard-shelled fruit,covertheir hands with leaves to protect them以及use leaves to clear their chins可知,红毛猩猩是种智商很高的动物。31.D。理解主旨要义。最后一段中的studies now show about a50 percent fall指出红毛猩猩
