



The horn hunting hike was no hurried decisionHowever,they explained that many other factorsalso contributed to this 15%44.reduction语言运用写The young men were all experienced outdoorsmen.Theybrought bear spray(喷雾器)and firearms when they set(reduce).The lead researcher said,"Our studyoff after Saturday morning wrestling practice.did not find evidence for a protective effect ofAt first,the four boys walked together,but at somevegetable intake 45.onthe occurrence of第point,Lowry and Cummings got a little separated fromcardiovascular disease."Differences in thethe other two by about half a mile.That was when aterrifying nightmare became a reality as a bear sneakedsocioeconomic situation and lifestyle also affectedthe health of our hearts.节up on Lowry and attacked him before he could take outhis bear spray.Cummings desperately began to do whathe could think of to save Lowry.First he yelled and threw things at the bear.When thatdidn't work,he actually jumped on the bear,grabbed its假定你是李华,你校组织了一次徒步旅行活动。ears,and tried to push it to release his friend.写请根据下面的写作提示,给校英文报写一篇新闻报道,记述此次徒步旅行活动。要点如下:写His efforts worked all too well.The bear turned thefierce force of its attack from Lowry to Cummings.1.活动目的;2.旅行路线;3.活动体会。Cummings could feel the bear's jaws tearing throughflesh down to his head,but bravery made him feel第注意:写作词数应为80左右。第painless.He could hear when the bear's teeth would hithis head and when it would bite down on his bones.Cummings fought back against the bear at first,but itquickly became apparent it would be a fruitless effort.节节The bear eventually stopped its attack.Finally,the bearleft,and the two injured young men had to make theirway five long miles down the mountain.Cummings,inAparticular,was losing blood fast and barely able to stand._【写作提示】注意:本文的语篇类型是应用文,主题语境为人与1.续写词数应为150左右;写作自我。题目要求写一篇新闻报道,记述学校组织写2.请按如下格式作答。的徒步旅行活动。此题属于半开放的提纲类作文,同学们可以Lowry shouted for help from his teammates.第根据自己对题目的理解,适当添加和整合信息。正文要点归纳如下:(1)开门见山,说明组织第Emergency responders met them as they节该活动的目的;(2)具体描述活动内容及旅行路线;(3)说一说同学们的心得体会。一节neared the foot.gg【One possible versiou】To provide a great opportunity for us students to瓜【写作提示】broaden our horizons,our school organized a hike to our写city's botanical garden.写Last Saturday morning,we gathered in theplayground at 8:00.After the headmaster made a short本文的语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境为speech,we set out for the botanical garden on foot.At人与自我。Lowry和Cummings2约好与另外两第11:30,we arrived at the destination.After having a picnic第名同学找寻鹿角。尽管作好了充分的准备,lunch,we were divided into groups and appreciated但是他们还是受到熊的袭击。Cummings:为different plants.Then we walked back to our school and节were required to write a diary about this activity.节了救Lowry,勇敢与熊搏斗。The activity benefited us in many ways.Not only did wegain a better understanding of plants,but we strengthenedour willpower.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。根据续写第一段所给的段首句可知,Lowy写Even when you do your best to be careful and prepared,horrible things can sneak up on(悄悄接近)you.写向他的队友求救。其他两位队员是否收到了他的求救信号?在受伤的情况下,他们如何撤离Lowry and Cummings got to know each other as到安全的地方?他们四人最后成功脱险了吗?wrestling teammates in college.Along with teammates第同学们展开合理想象即可。Jackson and Harrison,they made plans to go "horn根据续写第二段所给的段首句可知,紧急hunting",that is,searching for horns that deer threw away二节each spring.It's a popular local hobby and an enjoyable救援人员在他们快抵达山脚时遇到了他们。他way to get outdoor exercise while people're enjoying"the节们此时情况如何?Cummingsi最后能否成功得到thrill of the hunt"in a low-key way without any real救治?同学们可以展开合理想象。hunting.
