


.t8Ge8uEG8v猛Ⅲ,根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。送美浮报社1.埃里克时常在公园里练习中国功夫。EARNING ENGLISHEric practices Chinese kung fu in the parkfrom time to time九年级陕西第4期2.我叔叔准备在伦敦住上几天。课时讲练My uncle plans to stay in London for a(Unit 4)couple of days.gSection A(1a-2d)3.如果你从来都没勇气去面对恐惧,你就无法克要点归纳服它。●keep silenti意为“保持沉默”。silent作形容If you are never brave enough to face a fear,you can't overcome it.词,意为“不说话的;沉默的”;其名词形式4.距离我们上次一起旅游已经四年了。为silence。.●in silence意为“默默地;无声地”。It's been four years since we last traveledtogether.●be helpful in doing sth.对做某事有帮助5.鲍勃过去在班里很安静,但现在却是最话跃的●be helpful to sb.对某人有帮助学生。Bob used to be very quiet in class,but now he ismore active than any other student.同步练习根据汉语提示完成短文。Section A(3a-4c)When talking,if you know little about a,要点归纳topic,(I)keep silent(保持沉默)and listen todeal with与do with都可表示“应对;处理”others carefully.But if you know something well,deal with.与how一起搭配使用,而do with与share your ideas bravely,instead of just sittingwhat一起搭配使用。there(2)in silence(默默地).The two rulesmake it?常用于英语口语中,可表示“做成某事(3)are helpful in(有助于)developingcommunication skills.Hope they can;获得成功;约定时间;及时赶上(火车)及时抵达”等,通常根据具体语境进行翻译(4)be helpful to(对..有帮助)all of you.g◇基础训练L.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。同步练习L.Ted is a humorous(幽默的)writer.His books选择适当的短语填空。are very popular among young people.do with,deal with,make it2.He was silent(沉默的)for a moment andthen began to sing softly.1.Could you give me some advice on how to3.Maria has a completely(完全地)differentdeal with stress in daily life?opinion from me.2.What will you do with all the problems you4.My sister used to have a great interest(兴趣)are facing now?in sports3.I'm not sure if I can make it tomorrow,but I'll5.When David_scored_(得分)in the last minufetry anyway.of the game,we all cheered for him.Ⅱ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。used to的用法1.Annie used to wear glasses (glass)and have long例句straight hair.1.My dad used to smoke,but he gave it up several2.The people I met during my trip were so friendlymonths ago..我爸爸以前抽烟,但几个月前他戒掉了。2.I didn't use to like eating vegetables,but my mother(friend).has changed me.3.My friend Cindy has changed (change)so much我过去不喜欢吃蔬菜,但我妈妈改变了我。since I saw her last time.3.-Did you use to go swimming in summer?你过去常在夏天游泳吗?4.Mark used to be short,but now he's the tallest-Yes,Idid.是的。(tall)student in our class.4.What did the girl use to look like?5.It's great to see (see)so many old friends at the这个女孩以前长什么样?party today.5.He used to go running in the evening,didn't he?他过去经常夜跑,对吗?
