


acorns,So wherever you are,keep your eyes out and up.If you miss the migration this year,soon it'll be warming up and the birds will be on their journeys to their summer homes in theNorth.24.What does Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge mean to the author?A.A scenery spot to have fun.B.A destination to take photos.C.A field to catch some birds.D.A place to watch birds migrate.25.Where does the author like to go to eat something after the visit?A.To Canada.B.To Alaska.圜C.To Buckhorn Tavern.D.To the backyard.26.Why are Sandhill Cranes mentioned in paragraph 3?如A.To show the reserves'value.斟B.To introduce a kind of birds.C.To stress the importance of birds.长D.To list some birds'migratory sites.27.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?区A.The habits of some migrating species.B.The author's knowledge of endangered birds.数C.The skills of taking photos of migrating birds.D.The author's efforts to watch birds'migration.都C潮Private identity is related to a person's identity where he cannot describe his feelingpublicly,and has difficulties in expressing his ideas and thoughts or socializing with others.Itis like being introverted (in front of the public.And public identity is related tosomewhat expressing one's feeling perfectly in front of the public.There are many factors for aperson to be publicly introverted,which includes different languages and cultures.Hunger of Memory:The Education of Richard Rodriguez written by Richard Rodriguezreflects his development from a disadvantaged son of Mexican immigrants living in northernCalifornia into a well-educated person.Rodriguez strongly believes that for accessing theprivileges of public life,people must learn how to be assimilated into public society anddepress their private identity.He argues that developing a public identity is directly related tomaturing into adulthood.Rodriguez states how he started his school life,from knowing only 50 words to becoming【高三英语第5页(共10页)】
