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衡中同卷分科卷 27


考点25选必二UNIT4 JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND·考点导航:班级:姓名:l.重要词汇:arise;bound;freeze;anticipate;contrary;proceed;astonish;owe等2.重要短语:take sb.'s breath away;a bunch of;contrary to;proceed to;owe sth,tosb.等3.重点句型:as is typical of.,;with复合结构等4.单元语法:分词作状语必备知识·考点巧练》3.与普遍的看法相反,中等程度的锻炼实际上会降I.单句语法填空低你的食欲。1.Ever since their quarrel,there has been a(n)moderate(pleasure)atmosphere in the office.exercise actually decreases your appetite.2.Being exposed to(advertise)can help4.他对这项工作一点也不满意,他要求我们立即作to change our opinions over time.完成。业3.On a(freeze)cold night,the little girlBy no means时was(freeze)to death in a street corner.and he asked us to finish it at once.可4.To our(astonish),he ran 1,0005.直到完成电影学习,我才开始追求女演员的职业沿虚线meters in such an(astonish)speed.生涯。(强调句)5.Withduration of only 45 minutes,it下holds the record of being the shortest war inmy career as an actresshistory.6.位于中国的最北部,黑龙江的冬天极其寒冷6.Only if these conditions are fulfilled can thethe far north of China,application proceedthe next stage.Heilongjiang has7.A party which tries to reach out and take account7.他决定半价出售,而不是让蔬菜坏掉。of grass-roots feelings is bound(win)hemass support.8.They anticipate(move)to a biggerdecided to sell them at half price.house by the end of the year.8.一年前这里还是一片废墟,现在却建起了许多高9.A team consisting of three people,楼大厦。(arise)(include)a woman astronaut,was sent up toA number of high buildingsthe Chinese Space Station.there was nothing a year ago but ruins.10.With rolling green mountains(surround)it,the landscape of peaceful village is a feast for the《关键能力·秦养整合》eyes.Ⅲ.阅读理解11.(frighten)by the noise at night,theAs Ginni Bazlinton reached Antarctica,shegirl didn't dare to sleep alone in her room.found herself greeted by a group of little Gentoo12.(seat)at the corner of the lecturehall,he was hardly noticed.penguins(企鹅)longing to say hello.TheseⅡ.根据汉语提示完成句子gentle,lovely gatekeepers welcomed her and kick-1.他们乘出租车来到露易丝湖,碧蓝的湖水美得让started what was to be a trip Ginni would never他们室息。forget.They took a taxi to Lake Louise,Ever since her childhood,Ginni,now 71,haswith itshad a deep love for travel.Throughout her careerexceptional beauty.as a professional dancer,she toured in the UK,2.我把成功归功于史密斯先生,在他的帮助下,我but always longed to explore further.When she的口语取得了巨大的进步。retired from dancing and her sons eventually flewthe nest,she decided it was time to take theI have greatly improved my oral English.plunge.wolf vt..狼吞虎咽The boy wolfed the sandwiches down..男孩狼吞虎咽地吃下了三明治。英语659
