


ENGLISH⊙》高二黄谈凉谷34WEEKLY四共语/团板wo:aot390Tme55 minutes度*FOCUSHow a chinese cale becamethe best place to eat in Canada语箱导读:温得华的一家中餐厅被评为2023年加拿大最佳用餐场所areof theirjoineymeats agoNad5omemust passs byin active woomix ofse Canadiansaurant is so pusy onburgersas wonk tovet the Cmorninga longline formsweekd forklifts(铲车).Many of the earlybethich sits above a DIYcanadian culture and hyin Canadian smallstore,has the honour off being the best place toimmigrant-run restaurantsCanada in 2023,according to theowns and large cities initially served familiardine inChinese dishesrestaurantreview site Yelp.Since Yelpdiner-style food.But over time,announced the diner's steaks and spring rollswere slowly added to menus by enterprisinghad drawn the highest customer reviews of anyowners to give something "special"to diners.Aeatery across Canada,some visitors have waitedreporter noted,"As time went on,these dishesWord bankInthinkable:turnp way paying cbutstomersor pcdhas become th心exact owiththeblessed,sexperimentingVe'reOther than&Have you noticed howlming.We like to think our mottooccasional new dish,Raymond says he has littleped these shelves are?'Our house is your house'-is what helpspeople feel so welcome,"said Richard Mah,whointerest in departing from the main dishes his扫描二维码可听family have perfected over the years."These arephrase that expresses the aims音频并下载课件recently gave up a corporate job to work here.His parents,Jimmy and Connie Mah,whofamily recipes.This is a menu my dad created.and beliefs of a person,aThe wontons are my mother's recipe.My rolegroup,an institution,etc.andinitially bought the 73-year-old restaurant in2008 as a way of relieving the boredom ofhere is just to better what they've achieved overis used as a rule of behaviour座右铭;格言;箴言the years.From:www.theguardian.come.g.The school's motto is:‘Duty,Honour,,Countryexotic adj.from or in anothercountry;seeming excitingand unusual because it isconnectedwith foreignountries来自异国的;奇异的;异国风味的g.She travels to all kinds ofotic locations all over theorldWannabee's unc er Stul登网彩CAFE画线句表明,随着时间的推移,这家温Sentences哥华餐厅里曾人4“女下司座嗣的“亦本根采输中心
