


第一节四四With pride,she told me how to apply to attend the假定你是李华,你和交换生朋友Chris约好本周日program.According to her,whether an adult had attendedcollege or not,she had the opportunity to take part in this写作上午去观看武术表演,但你有事无法按时赴约。写请根据以下要点给他写一封电子邮件:program.But she had to apply to get the chance.Oncepermitted,she needed to go to nursing school to take classes1.表示歉意;forl2 months and then receive internship(实习工作)ina2.道歉理由;hospital.If her performance in a hospital was good enough,3.补救措施。she could be a nurse.注意:写作词数应为80左右。I had never considered a nursing career,althoughsince leaving high school,I had thirsted for knowledge.As Ilistened to her,I felt the dying fire of hope being rekindled(重新点撚).I was eager to become a nurse to change my life..四写作提示四注意:写1.本题要求写一封邮件,为不能如约和交换生朋写1.续写词数应为150左右;友Chris)观看武术表演致歉,故人称以第一人称为主;时态以一般将来时为主。作2.请按如下格式作答。After returning home,I told my family that I2.分段内容:第一段表示歉意,告知对方你不能wanted to be a nurse.如约观看武术表演;第二段具体说明爽约的原因并提出补偿措施;第三段再次致歉。On a cold morning,I left for my first class in thenursing school.⑧四One possible version:写作提示Dear Chris.四I am sorry to tell you that I won't be able to watch thewushu performance with you this Sunday morning.写作者的儿子术后留院观察期间,一位身穿绿色外作I have to cancel our original plan due to a call from my衣的护士引起了作者的注意。在和她聊天后,作者uncle who asked me to look after his child,for he and his了解到她是一名实习护士,她是通过参加由政府资wife will attend a meeting this Sunday morning.But don't助的项目而接触护士这一职业的。这一刻,从未想worry,because I have asked my friend Wang Qiang,who过涉足护士行业的作者心中燃起了希望之火,她渴has a good knowledge of wushu,to go with you.I'm sureyou will get along well with him.望参加这个项目,以此来改变自己的人生。I sincerely hope you can accept my apology.Yours,Li Hua第二节阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构写作提示成一篇完整的短文。四One day,my 7-month-old baby Johnny was sick and I took1.根据第一段的首句可知,回家后,作者告诉家写him to the hospital.The doctor examined him and the next thing Iknew I was signing papers for the immediate emergency operation人自己想成为一名护士。家人有何反应?作者得到作As I waited at the door of the operating room,I was filled作了家人的支持吗?作者提交申请了吗?她能顺利进with fear and also pressure.At the age of twenty-eight,I was入该项目吗?本段可围绕这些内容展开叙述:struggling to support my two children.I had survived mostly on2.根据第二段的首句可知,一个寒冷的早晨,作government assistance since the birth of my first child.I had quit者去护理学院上第一节课。课堂氛围怎么样?作者high school during my twelfth year.My work history was poor,andwasn't able to be financially stable(稳定的).会面临哪些挑战?作者能坚持完成学习吗?她最终Luckily,Johnny's operation was successful.While in the成为一名护士了吗?本段可围绕这些内容展开叙述。hospital room,I noticed one of his care-providers was dressed ingreen while the rest wore the traditional white.I wanted to ask hewhy.四One possible version:四One day,I watched as she busied herself takingAfter returning home,I told my family that IJohnny's temperature.My curiosity increased and Iwanted to be a nurse.Unexpectedly,they laughed,写couldn't help asking,"Why are you wearing a green写"Do you think you can be a nurse?You'll faint at thedress?"She replied she was a nursing student.作first sight of blood!"However,they meant no harm.“What school do you attend?”I continued,justAfter hearing the nurse's story,they decided tomaking conversation.She told me all about a one-support me.Touched,I joyfully cried and wasyear program funded by the government."How dodetermined to succeed.I carefully prepared materialsyou become a part of this program?"I asked.Theand wrote an application.Weeks later,I received afriendly student smiled,"Let me tell you aboutletter and was amazed to find I was allowed to attendbecoming a nurse.”the program.I was scheduled to begin classes aftertwo months.5
