


C.A kind heart.D.A charitable deed.6.What can be inferred from the "cupcake"experiment?A.Participants involved preferred sweeter cupcakes.B.Random kindness has much greater effects than expected.C.Extra ingredients make the tasty treat more special and unique.D.Kindness performers didn't realize it could make people feel good.7.What is the main idea of the text?A.Small kindness matters.B.Small kindness is a choice.C.Small acts are life-changing.D.Small decisions have a big impact.Just 130 years ago scientists weren't sure if any planets existed outside our solar system.Now they've detected more than 5,000 of them.But as astronomers have calculated theseexoplanets'sizes,a strange gap has emerged.There are plenty of "super-Earths"out there-rocky globes about 1.4 times wider than Earth.And there are lots of"mini-Neptunes"roughly2.4 times Earth's width.But very few planets fall in between;it's almost like most worldswere sized using one of two cookie cutters.A new model published in The Astrophysical Jour-nal Letters offers a fresh answer to why this is so:it's all about collisions ()Previous theories about the planetary“radius(半径)gap”suggested that extreme heatminify certain planets,says Rice University physicist Andre Iidoro,lead author of the new1study Planets tend to move coetotheir host stars over time,he says.This makes relativelylight planets sim down faster as rising heat takes away their outer gases,the thinking goes,whereas heavier planets have enough gravitytohold these gases and maintain theirseidrork challengesthis heat-basedxtion,suggesting the gap resmpnery collisions instead.AHis team ran computer simulations (based theories of how planetary systm全国100所名校最新高考冲刺卷第4页(共12页)【23·(新高考)高考样卷·英语(一)一SD】全国100所白X四
