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衡中同卷分科卷 18


2023年高考桂林、崇左市联合模拟芳试英语参考答案及评分标准第一部分1-5 CABCB6-10ACABC11-15BCABA16-20CBABC第二部分21-23BCA24-27DCAB28-31DCBD32-35ADAB36-40CEFDB第三部分41-45 CABDD46-50ACBCB51-55AADCD56-60CBBAD61.to date62.when63.has stood64.their65.waiting66.Despite67.innovation68.creative69.simply70.whether第四部分第一节Yuan Longping is known for the father of hybrid rice.He devotes his life to make not only Chinaasmakingbut also the world free from hunger.He has two dreams.One is to enjoy the cool under the rice tree.The other is that his hybrid rice can be grown global.But turning dreams into reality are hard togloballyachieve,what takes a lot of time and efforts.For me,my dream is to be A English teacher.I wish towhichanspread these story of some Chinese heroes to the world.And I wish my students can value food or bestoriesandgrateful to Yuan Longping as well.In order to make my dream came true,all the things I have to do it iscometo work hard.第四部分第二节For better promotion of our traditional Chinese cultures,our club is in great need of new memberswho have a strong preference for Chinese cultures.Our club,whose name is TCC Club,was founded in2018.Since then,it has been dedicated to traditional Chinese culture promotion and enjoyed constantpopularity among students.As one of the most influential clubs in our school,we have never failed to provide us studentswith many benefits.To begin with,we can give you overall insight into our valuable cultures.Besides,some meaningful activities organized on a regular basis will strengthen your competence in cooperationand management.Most importantly,your circle of friends who share the same interest will also beextended.英语试卷参考答案第1页(共4页)
