


33,What does the underlined word "it"in paragraph 2 refer to?A.Living a rather sensible life.B.Identifying income sources.C.Discovering new life goals.D.Sorting out the author's jobs34.What's the authors understanding of hard work and working hard?A.Journalism is a career worth working hardB Hard work is something cither sweet or tiring.C.Writing a romance is difficult but rewarding.D.Working hard rarely brings about satisfaction35.What is probably the best title for the text?A.Works like a dream.B.Middle-aged job crisisC.Celebratory momentD.A future Jane Austen.第二节(共5小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最住选项。选项巾有两项为多余选项。Complaining is often looked at as a negative,but if you perfect it great things can happen.36Articles and experts insist that too much complaining will"lower your empathyand stop you achieving your dream and living the life you want.They suggest that you cut outnegativity from your life,especially people who complain.But humans love to complainI know this becausc I gct paid to sit with pcople while they complain and process every weck.37 Once we discover how to effectively integrate it,great things can happen.Dr RobinKowalski found those who complain with the hopes of achieving a certain result tend to be happier.Complaining also influences how people see us,creates social bonds,encourages empathy andhelps create real changes.It plays a very important role in our lives and is a skill that can beextremely effective.38So here are some ways to deal with the art of complaining in a skillful way.1.Clarify and organize your complaints.It will get your complaints across to others more casily.2.Work out who can give you a hand.39 Pick those who can empathize with you orhelp with your goal.3.Make connections with others.It would be possible for people to know what you needed.Conclude from specific things above,and our complaining is much more likely to feel usefuland effective:·Use facts and logic.Identify who has the ability to make it happen.·40Whatever your complaining,it'll make for your improvement when used correctly andeffectively.A.Get rid of your bitter complaints.B.Don't complain to the same people.C.Actually,complaining has a bad reputation.D.Socialize with others to make complaints accessible.E.Complaining docs serve as a real purpose in our lives.F.However,the influences of complaining are not necessarily beneficial to us all.G.Our goal is not to remove complaining,but make it more useful and effective.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
