


A.Parents often take their children to the hall.B.There are several standards a toy has to meet.Stonefish,who has helped create a dictionaryC.It looks quite different compared to other museumsof Munsee words,has his doubts about onlyD.So it was moved from its original home to New YorkE.Toys and their creators are an important part of history.counting on technology to save a language.He读F.And each member of the committee votes for his or hertop picksbelieves knowing cultural teachings is important,G.The others are beloved unbranded toys,such as the kite and thepaper airplane.especially for a language such as Munsee that isThere is a specific process for selecting the toy thatlargely based on oral(口头的)traditions.Yet空makes it into the National Toy Hall of Fame.Anyone canStonefish remains hopeful that the tools will worknominate (a toy through the US mail or the Internet.well with the help of cultural teachings.Some professionals review the nominations and determinewhich toys meet the requirements.A National SelectionCommittee then reviews the list of toys.3_F Finally,thetoys that get the most votes are included in the National ToyHall of Fame.A.Parents often take their children to the hall.BB.There are several standards a toy has to meet.1.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?C.It looks quite different compared to other museums.A.Munsee is difficult to learn.D.So it was moved from its original home to New York.B.Munsee is at risk of disappearing阅E.Toys and their creators are an important part of history.C.The Delaware Nation has a long history.读F.And each member of the committee votes for his or her top picks.G.The others are beloved unbranded toys,such as the kite and theD.People of the Delaware Nation have a special填paper airplane.lifestyle.A 2.What can we learn about Bruce Stonefish?空A.He learnt Munsee from Dianne Snake.4 B First,the toy must be widely recognizedB.He is the only one who can speak Munsee.and remembered.And it must have enjoyedC.He is now teaching Munsee in a university.popularity for several generations.In addition,theD.He used to communicate with his parents intoy must have greatly changed the way people playMunsee.or the toy's design was new and creative.A 3.What is mentioned about the online tool developedA.Parents often take their children to the hall.B.There are several standards a toy has to meet.by Ndayiragije's team?C.It looks quite different compared to other museums.A.It is still being tested.B.It has proven to be very successfulD.So it was moved from its original home to New YorkE.Toys and their creators are an important part of history.C.It records the development of endangered读F.And each member of the committee votes for his or hertop pickslanguages.G.The others are beloved unbranded toys,such as the kite and theD.It allows users to learn several languages at thepaper airplane.same time.D 4.What is important to learn a language like MunseeCreated not only to recognize the importance ofaccording to Stonefish?those classic toys,the Hall of Fame also celebratesA.Finding a local to teach.the imagination of the toy makers.5 E They holdB.Having a good dictionary.the memories,symbolize the ideas,and reflect theC.Taking advantage of online resources.D.Understanding the culture behind the language.values of the generation who created them.A3版A.Parents often take their children to the hall.B.There are several standards a toy has to meet.C.It looks quite different compared to other museums.Babcock Ranch in southwest Florida is the阅D.So it was moved from its original home to New York.五E.Toys and their creators are an important part of history.first solar-powered town in the US.Its power读F.And each member of the committee votes for his or her top picks.comes from nearly700,000 solar panels(太阳能电G.The others are beloved unbranded toys,such as the kite and thepaper airplane.池板)that supply electricity1._to_more than2,000 homes.空The National Toy Hall of Fame is an American空The town is special in another way.It hadmuseum that was created to celebrate the nation'salmost no damage from hurricane Ian,which hitclassic toys and playthings.There are more than 80the area with winds over 160 kph.By comparison,toys already in the National Toy Hall of Fame.the storm 2.destroyed_(destroy)many parts ofAbout half are branded(有品牌的)toys,like LegoFort Myers,about 50 kilometers away.and the Rubik's Cube.1 GA.Parents often take their children to the hall.B.There are several standards a toy has to meet.C.It looks quite different compared to other museums.Babcock Ranch 3.was built (build)on a higher阅D.So it was moved from its original home to New YorkE.Toys and their creators are an important part of history.highland to be above the storm surge(风暴潮).The读F.And each member of the committee votes for his or her top picksbuildings could stand up to hurricane-force winds,G.The others are beloved unbranded toys,such as the kite and thepaper airplane.and the streets were designed 4.to control (control)huge amounts of water.空The museum was founded in 1998.By 2002,thisBecause of these measures,Shannon Treece andmuseum had grown a lot and needed more space.2 D There it became a part of the Strong Nationalher family are among the 4,600 residents 5.who/thatMuseum of Play,which houses over 70,000 toys,decided not to leave the town before the storm hit."Itdolls,and games.made me feel a little 6.scared_(scare),"she said ofbeing in a hurricane for the first time."I am glad ourhouse held up.”2
