


第33期参考答案第1一2版Unit 1Grammar情态动词should表建议1.should take 2.shouldn't go 3.shouldn't eat4.should stop反身代词I.1-4 DDCCII.1.herself 2.myself 3.itself4.yourselvesLanguage Points1.(1)hit a/the bridge (2)hit me on the head(3)gave him a hit2.(1)take risks (2)risked his lifeLexical ChunksA)1.have a cold 2.have a fever 3.have a cough4.have a sore back 5.have a sore throat6.have a stomachache 7.have a toothache8.have a headache 9.have a nosebleedB)1.有心脏问题2.呼吸困难3.发生事故;遭遇意外4.被球击中5.硒伤C)1.lie down 2.get an X-ray3.take one's temperature4.take breaks a break5.put some medicine on the cut6.rest for a few daysD)1.认真思考;权衡利弊2.下车3.冒险4.做决定5.放弃E)1.get into 2.run out (of)3.cut off4.get out of 5.be in control of6.to one's surprise 7.right awayUnit 2GrammarI.1-5 ACBBAII.1.to send 2.to make 3.change 4.(to)doLanguage Points1.(1)volunteers(2)volunteers (3)voluntary2.(1)preparing(2)notices (3)come (4)noticedLexical ChunksA)1.分发;散发2.分发3.参加…选拔;试用4.推迟5.照顾;非常喜欢6.赠送;捐赠7.(外貌或行为)像B)1.clean up 2.cheer up 3.call up 4.fix up
