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综合实战演练综合训练3阅读C.The effects of guoxue education.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出D.The huge guoxue market potential.最佳选项。4.What is unlikely included in guoxue?AA.Classical poems.B.Traditional morals.At first glance,Huaguoshan kindergarten in Zhuzhou,aC.Modern technology.D.Confucian thoughts.city in the southern province of Hunan,looks much like anyBother schools for kids in China.But it has a year-long waitingIt might sound funny,but having a certain routine in thelist,because of its widely advertised guoxue.morning or evening will help you to grow personally,with yourChildren at Huaguoshan are taught how to bow,and howworkouts and also with your job and life.Why is that?Theto greet each other politely.In some rooms they learn ancienthumans adapt pretty well to routines and that makes us moretechniques.In others,they recite poems,perform teaefficient,meaning that you can save a lot of time and that yourceremonies and play Chinese chess.The school says thatbody also can relax better and faster.This is what I've learntmastering skills is secondary to building character."Forfrom my own morning routines.example,our children learn to respect their rivals()andI for myself always prepare my first meal for the followingaccept defeat in chess,"explains one of the teachers.day every evening.I take 300 ml of water,30 grams of chiaOf course,the school charges hefty fees.Actually,theseeds,and a couple oats()and leave them in a plasticguoxue trend has already created a huge demand for educationcontainer in my fridge overnight.All I have to do in thein kindergartens across China.Frost&Sullivan,a data firm,morning is to add some fresh berriesestimated that the market for preschool children was worthI also have my cup and my coffee capsule ready,and the first73 billion in 2020,almost doubled its value in 2018thing when I come out off the bathroom is to turn on the coffeeStrictly speaking,guoxue content has long been part ofmachine while I'm getting dressed.Getting dressed is a good point.the curriculums from primary to high schools in China.InI have already prepared my clothes for work.So I don't get stuck2014,the number of classical texts to be taught in primaryin my decision whether I want to wear the white,black,purple orschools increased from 14 to 72.In 2017,the government putblue blouse.After I'm dressed,my coffee is ready and while I'mout new guidelines for more comprehensive guoxue curriculumsin primary and secondary schools by 2025.In 2020,morequickly getting my hair and make-up done,I'll drink myguoxue content was added to the university entrance exam.Incoffee.I don't need usually longer than 30-40 minutes in themorning to get ready and leave the house.This helps me firstlyMay,2021,the education ministry approved more guoxueto sleep a little bit longer and secondly not to be in a rush andclasses to strengthen "a sense of belonging to and pride in thebe calm for the day.Chinese nation”.So,my friends,try to apply some certain routines to yourGuoxue is the ancient system of thought that emphasizesday and you'll see how your mind and your body will adapt torespect for authority and usually involves learning traditionalthem and you have more energy to focus on important things.morals,thoughts,and classical Chinese texts,especially those5.What does the underlined word"that"in the first paragraphassociated with Confucius,who thought that such values wererefer to?essential to achieve moral excellence as individuals.He taughtA.A problem with a certain routine.that such upstanding citizens would form the basis for socialB.The link between routines and lifeharmony and stability.C.A way of having a certain routine.After decades of welcoming foreign trends,many ChineseD.The benefit of having routines.people are now interested in Chinese traditions.Television shows6.What does the author do the night before for her next morning?include "Chinese Poetry Conference",in which participators areA.She gets her clothes ready.quizzed on classical poems.Young people wear traditional clothesB.She does shopping for breakfast.in public.C.She makes her coffee.1.Why is Huaguoshan kindergarten so popular?D.She adds some berries to the container.A.It has the best teachers.7.What can we know about the author's morning routines?B.It has very pretty buildings.A.They keep her in high spirits.C.It focuses on skill learning.B.They give her more time to rest.D.It stresses character building.C.They help her figure out problems faster.2.What does the underlined word "hefty"in paragraph 3 mean?D.They improve her ability to handle situations better.A.Various.B.Extraordinary.8.What is the author's purpose in writing the text?C.Low.D.ReasonableA.To help people to focus on important things3.What phenomenon is described in paragraph 4?B.To introduce how to adapt to routines in life.A.The study burdens on studentsC.To encourage people to have routines in life.B.The increasing trend of guoxue.D.To teach people how to relax themselves in life.69
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