



hat partly covered the title My Summer Vacation.Iremembered Mrs.Kelly's comments without even looking at them:"It has beenspbrought to my attention that this composition is about your last year's summer(听力材料见下期B版中缝,参考答案见下期B4版)di2.1t上期参考答累1-5 CCBABB2-B4版16-20 CBBAC6-10 CBCAB11-15AAABCparticipate in the Fifth Photo Contest in our city.scoop of coal and a piece of red cloth可知,司机不仅送煤块给兄弟俩31-35BADB(21-25ADDCB36 40 DEERG26-30 DAACDHowever,I have no idea which photos should be chosen for the还扔下一个布包来帮助他们。布包里边有什么呢?同学们可以据此46-50ABCDB41445 CADBCcontest among all that I have taken.In other words,would you please help展开想象57.the51-55 DBCBA56.moreme make a decision?I know you are professional.Would you help meOne possible version:three photos as entries?What's more,I hope you could help meJust call me Buck Wait here the day after tomorrow and I'll throw60.yearly61.for59.to survive63.that/whichpolish the chosen ones before I send them to the organizer of the conesaway a scoop of coal,"the driver replied.We took the bucket back to the3.se.My parents were surprised at the full bucket of clean coal."Where写作64.plantingLooking forward to your timely reply,which couldn't be appreciatedmore.的一节【写作提示】enter rdid you boys get all this coal?Mom asked.Our guardian angel gaveit to us,"I answered."And the day after tomorrow,it we are lucky,wewill see the angel again"Two days later,my brother and I returned to the本文的语篇是应用文,主题语境为人与社会之文学第二节有。题目要求给外教老师写一时请求艺术与体same place.Buck waved to us and then disappeared.4.【写作提示】请老师给予帮助此题属子半开放提细类作文,同学们可以根据自己对题目的本文的语篇类型是记叙文,Suddenly.out from the cab came a large scoop of coal and a piece主题语境是人与自我之生活与学of red cloth."It looks like Buck has lost his scarf,"I said,running down理解,适当整合和添加信息(1第一-段写信目的正文可以分为三段,要,点归纳如作者小时侯家里十分贫穷,作者和哥哥检火车上掉下来的煤块时遇到了一个好心的火车司机and picking up the red cloth."Wait!There's something tied up in it,"准备参加摄影大赛,希望得到老师帮助;正是这个好心的司机拯救了作者一家根据第一段所给的段首句“Just call me Buck.Wait here the daymy brother said.There were two pieces of bubble gum and a new one-(2)第二段恳请老师帮助选取三幅参赛作品,并给予适当建议;afterdollar bill.Throughout that winter,three days a week,we could receive a(3)第三段期待得到老师帮助,并向老师表示感谢omorrow andI'll throw away a scoop of coal,"the driver repliedOne possible version:,续写第二段的首句可知,作者和哥哥带着司机送的煤块回家了bucket of coal and sometimes money.To our family,Buck was not only aDear Mr.Martin.两天后又来到了原来的地方。因此,本段可围绕作者和哥哥带着煤guardian angel but also an angel of mercy.I'm writing to turn to you because I have made up my mind to块回到家里的情节展开叙述根据第二段所给的段首句Suddenly,.out from the cab came a large本版主编王丹贵编赵蓉本报地址山西省太原市小店区龙兴街190号邮政编码030032联系电话0351-27776792777680(发行中心)订阅查询0351-27776482777649激光排版本报激光照排中心印刷晋中开发区柏松印业有限公司(晋中开发区汇通产业园区南六堡段恒易通公司院内)订阅方式为方便订阅订户可通过当地发行工作站订购订阅时请核验其“授权书”“工作证”或直接向本报发行中心咨询以防假冒盗版行为
