2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案


2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案,目前2024届衡中同卷答案网已经汇总了2024年100所名校高考模拟金典卷 24新高考·JD·英语-Y 英语答案的各科答案和试卷,更多2024届衡中同卷答案网请关注本网站。


Towbeing trained by Vaes She told me he he ee ohad v had.When heasaiged tmehe was already well prepared thanks to his handlerolf is onePal,htrained him through hisfirst wo leveSinee he has been with me,I have taught himallof hisconcert,crutchevel3and4 skills that his cient(客户)will need,”she said..“Some of those skills are brace,wingman and interrupting behaviors such as leg spasms()and PTSD.He will also bringback dropped items and go to find help when needed."For clients like me,ICAN gives us a way to live again,and it also benefits handlers likeVanessa."ICAN has changed my life.Learning how to train these dogs has taught me how to bepatient consistent and responsible.ICAN has given me a true purpose and I am forever grateful toICAN,”she told me.choir,spot of24.How did the doctor know the author loved animals?A.From the author's words.C.From the author's neighbor.B.From the author's letter.25.What can we learn about ICAN from the text?D.From the author's medical records.A.It is the name of a hospital.B.It is an organization related to animals.lifferentC.It is a non-profit animal shelter.musicalD.It is a charity helping patients.26.How did the author feel after knowing Tyrion was assigned to him?A.Annoyed.C.Puzzled.B.Disappointed.27.What does Vanessa think of training dogs?D.Delighted.A.It is boring.C.It is rewarding.B.It is thrillingD.It is tiring.During the "golden week"national holiday that began on Octoberlst,hundreds of thousands ofsightseers came to Lijiang,Yunnan.Among its attractions are road signs and shop fronts,on whichpictures and symbols were printed beneath some Chinese characters.They are Dongba pictographs(象形文字),an ancient form of writing which originated among the Naxi-a local ethnic(民族的)group.It was almost extinct until about a decade ago,when local officials cottoned on to its touristicvalue and decorated the town with the script(书写字母).Dongba pictographs were never widely used by the Naxi,of whom there are about 300,000living in the Himalayan foothills near Lijiang,as well as in nearby Tibet and Sichuan.The besteducated应激障among them spoke Chinese and used it for written communications.The pictographs,er andwhich date back to the seventh century,provide rich insight into how Naxi people thought aboutwarfare,geography,astronomy and agriculture.But they are extremely hard to read,even forlanguage experts.able toip andYang Guoxing,an old man who is expert at the pictographs,ran a school from 2010 to 2015 tofeel ateach Dongba to children living in the mountains.When Mr.Yang was growing up,"everyone waslike atoo busy farming"to learn it."Now they are all busy with China's Han pop culture,"he said.Primary schools in Lijiang teach the Dongba script twice a week,as well as Naxi nurseryelp torhymes.Li Dejing,the head of the Dongba Culture Research Institute,said,"This is not just aboutin mykeeping alive the pictographs,but letting children grasp the very spirit of their own culture.And itwill help to promote tourism in Lijiang."广西国品文化一桂柳金卷·英语第六卷·第四页(共8页)
本文标签: 新高考模拟答案
