



My father is a hardworking and iriendly man.He taught me to drive,playbaseball and fish when I was young.However,one other thing my dad's goodat was holding a grudge ()For most of my teen years,he didn't speak toThe other miracle was my father's new relationship with his youngerhis younger brother,although they were at many family events together.brotherI was never sure why my dad was so angry with my uncle in the firstplace.They spent many festivals seated at opposite ends of the table.It wassimply something that we all accepted at the time.When I was nineteen,I got a call in my college dorm that my dad washaving serious medical problems.My mom picked me up in the middle of thenight so we could be there in time.However,my dad was arranged to moveto a better hospital the next day.I didn't get a wink of sleep.I tossed and(听力材料见下期B版中缝,参考答案见下期B4版)turned.上期参考答案B2-B4版Our club is going to play The Merchant of Venice,a masterpiece frommissing,and Dad sent us out to look for him我们可以推断出,这-段应描写作者和Chris是如何应对父亲的指令的。Timothy最终的命运会如1-5 CBCAA6-10 CABBC11-15 CBABCShakespeare who is considered second to none when it comes to playwrightsWith all settled but one character,Portia,we are now in urgent need何呢?同学们可以据此展开想象16-20 BAACB21-25 BDCDA26-30 CBACDof you,an excellent drama fan regarded as the perfect match.Briefly,theOne possible version:31-35 BABCA36-40 GACDB41-45 BCDABreasons are as follows:Not only are you addicted to Shakespeare's works,I then had an idea when I thought of the small cave in the woods.46-50 DACBD51-55 ABDAC56.biggerIt was a cave that Chris and I discovered during one adventure.The cave57.a58.living59.itbut also you show great interest and talent in acting.must be the safest place to hide Timothy.I told Chris about the idea.Chris60.made61.measures62.lengthHow we wish you could join us!Your timely reply will be greatlynodded.Then we carried out the plan and I managed to take Timothy63.to64.which65.to helpappreciatedYours,away while Chris helped to distract Mom.Timothy had his life saved!It写作Li Huawould be a Thanksgiving without a turkey,and we had a great evening,第一节with Timothy falling sound asleep by our side.第二节【写作提示】However,Mom soon found Timothy missing,and Dad sent us本文的语篇类型是应用文,主题语境是人与社会之文学、艺术【写作提示】本文的语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是人与自我之生活与学习out to look for him."What are we supposed to do now?"Chris asked与体育。题目要求写一封邮件,邀请交换生好友Juy参加戏剧俱乐文章介绍作者和Chris到叔叔婶婶的农场过感恩节,叔叔送了他们"Should we just pretend to search for a while and then return home?"部《威尼斯商人》的排练活动此题属于半开放提纲类作文,同学们可以根据自己对题目的个火鸡蛋带回去孵化,他们给孵化出来的小火鸡取名叫Timothy。但来"Paper won't cover the fire.We'd better tell Dad the truth and beg him理解,适当整合和添加信息。正文可以分为三段,要点归纳如下:年感恩节的时候,爸爸说要用Timothy做一道菜,他们决定救Timothy:to spare Timothy,"I replied.So we went to the cave,took Timothy back根据第一段所给的段首句I then had an idea when I thought ofhome,and told Dad everything.To our delight,Dad wasn't too angry(1)第一段说明写信目的,即俱乐部要排练话剧;(2)第二段邀and agreed to give up his idea of having Timothy for the Thanksgiving请交换生Judy参加排练,扮演Portia-一角并说明原因;(3)第三段the small cave in the woods)以及文章内容可知,作者和Chris?想办法让Timothy.免于一死,因此这一段应描述作者和Chis挽救Timothy的过程。dish.希望她能接受邀请,参加活动。作者和Chis是怎样挽救Timothy的呢?同学们可以据此展开想象。本版主编王丹责编赵蓉One possible version:根据第二段所给的段首句However,,Mom soon found TimothyDear Judy,本报地址山西省太原市小店区龙兴街190号邮政编码030032联系电话0351-27776792777680(发行中心)订阅查询0351-27776482777649激光排版本报激光照排中心印刷晋中开发区柏松印业有限公司(晋中开发区汇通产业园区南六堡段恒易通公司院内)订阅方式为方便订阅订户可通过当地发行工作站订购订阅时请核验其“授权书”“工作证”或直接向本报发行中心咨询以防假冒盗版行为:85
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