


2021-2022学年度学习报第41期entTimes高考版新高考1课程标准发展核心素养2022年5月28日完学术指导■总主编刘兆义国内统一连续出版物号CN34-0030总第4233期综合能力训练编辑小语:题型专练、专项突破、灵活使用、巩固提升。3.Which can best describe the non-climactericHave you ever heard about Italian people usingfruits?their hands,feet,and all the other parts of their为A、B、C、DA.Bright-colored and eye-catching.body while they're talking?Your answer is probablyB.Small-sized and unnoticeable.yes.alled climac-C.Fully-grown and protective.No worries if you haven't heard this aboutney continueD.Heavy and juicy.German people.The only reason for this is thated.Cherries,4.What do Dr Fukano and Dr Tachiki aim to dowe're not that (1)(express)with ourn-climactericin the future?body language as other nations are.But we(2)A.Find out fruits of old varieties.(honest)use our body to express ourselveshe differenceB.Turn to the study of wild fruits.a lot.And we tend(3)(keep)eyegrowers andcontact at all timeseir goods inC.Look into the selective breeding fruits.D.Combine different fruit plants to make newHere's(4)story to help you visualize
