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2024届全国高考分科调研模拟测试卷 XGK(五)5英语答案

衡中同卷分科卷 33

2024届全国高考分科调研模拟测试卷 XGK(五)5英语答案,目前2024届衡中同卷答案网已经汇总了2024届全国高考分科调研模拟测试卷 XGK(五)5英语答案的各科答案和试卷,更多2024届衡中同卷答案网请关注本网站。


责编:姜文21-22第47期X版八年级PROGRESS ESTIMATION双语学习报成长评八年级(下)Units1-2综合能力训练命题:李建高分值:120分姓名班级得分自评基础知识运用(共50分A.herselfB.himselfaway to find work in another place.C.itselfD.yourselfHe 34 much better than me.He wasL.词汇。(每小题1分,共10分)()19.-Childrenplay in the street.and fitter.He had35 wrinkles(皱纹).I agree.Parks and zoos are good placeswas thicker and was a lot more black than根据句意及首字母提示写单词,使句子或for them to playAfter talking for a long time,we said 3对话完整、通顺。A.shouldB.shouldn'twished each other well.I went home feeli1.When Daming took a plane for the first time,C.needD.needn'tthat day.Part of me wanted to know whe was very e()20.When I arrived,Mr Andersononlast 30 years had 38 and part of me rem2.-Do you often hear from Jeff?those wonderful childhood memories.Yes,I get a lfrom him every monththe bed with his clothes on.A.liesB.lainHave you ever felt this way?Have3.My car doesn't work.Can you help me rC.is lyingD.was lyingfelt so old in your body but so 39ther
