百师联盟 2024届高三一轮复习联考(一)1 新高考卷英语试题


百师联盟 2024届高三一轮复习联考(一)1 新高考卷英语试题,目前2024届衡中同卷答案网已经汇总了百师联盟 2024届高三一轮复习联考(一)1 新高考卷英语试题的各科答案和试卷,更多2024届衡中同卷答案网请关注本网站。

九年级(基础)第4期5-6版参考答案1-5 ABBCA6-10 CBBAC11-15 CABCA16-20 BCABC21-25 CBCCB26-30 DABCA31-35 DCDBA36-40 BDACD41-45 BADCA46-50 DBCBA51-55 BADCC56-60 BACDB61-65 CBDDA66.especially67.Now he is very popular among young people.68.线上表演可以鼓励更多人买票走进剧场欣赏京剧。69.She thinks it's correct.70.By sharing its background and the historical stories behind it with them.71.introduction 72.absent73.private/personal 74.exactly75.failed76.in public77.Dare to78.from time to time79.took up80.has been【写作指导】本篇习作要求记录自己生命中最重要的一次改变以及它对自己的影响。⊙主题:人与自我之做人与做事⊙时态:一般过去时、一般现在时⊙人称:第一人称@行文布局:①介绍以前的自己I used to live at home with my family.I don't have to do daily chores.②转折事件Things changed after I was sent to a boarding school.Living at school requires me to do chores on my own.③讲述自己的变化Now,I'm able to take good care of myself.I'm much more independent than before.⊙必背句型:I used to ..I didn't have to do anything else except ..Everything was going fine until ..Living at school requires me to ..With the help of...,I...My parents are proud of me for my independence.Self-improvement is the mother of fortune【参考范文】The most important change in my life1
