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Guy Fawkes NightWho was this girl?My eyes widened.The last time I saw Noelle was when she was 11.Nearly twoThe most famous fire ceremony of all happens in England.Guy Fawkes Night,also known asyears later,she was a teenager on the way to becoming a young woman.Her face wore an expresonBonfire Night,is held on November 5 and goes back all the way to 1605.The most famous and biggestthat somehow seemed to combine independence with self-consciousecelebration is in Lewes in Sussex,also known as the bonfire capital of the world.Whole streets are shutAll at once it was clear.I hadn't been replaced by chickens.Our relationship had not beendown and tens of thousands of people take to the streets to watch parades().worsened by the pandemic.I hadn't done anything wrong.Noelle was a teenager.Her lack ofFire and Snow Festivalcommunication with adults was totally normal for anyone of her age.It was I who'd been holding ontoIn mid-February every year,the Fire and Snow Festival lights the district of Kakunodate in Japan.unrealistic and outdated expectations.I needed to let go and welcome this new stage in myOriginally,this festival had its roots in a purification ceremony,when farming communities would trygranddaughter's life.to rid the bad spirits.The festival is now more of a community event.A sweet cake is served up there.24.What did the author do when her granddaughter lived nearby?At the peak of the festival,participants light a basketball-sized rice straw ball that's attached to a ropeA.She just made calls to her.B.She visited her regularlyC.She kept her distance from her.D.She busily cared for chickens.and keep it spinning above their heads.25.How did the author feel about her granddaughter's sudden indifference at first?Jeongwol Daeboreum Deulbli FestivalA.Disturbed.B.Delighted.C.Uninterested.D.Relieved.Another fire celebration taking place in February is the Jeongwol Daeboreum Deulbli Festival in26.What does the underlined word"supplanted"in paragraph 6 probably mean?South Korea,which takes place on the island of Jeju.Although the festival is fairly new,having onlyA.Assessed.B.Attracted.C.Saved.D.Replaced.been around for two decades,it goes back centuries to when local families would keep cows.To27.What did the author decide to do at last?maintain the grass,farmers would set fire to the mountains to destroy old grass and kill harmfulA.Hold on to previous expectations.B.Be stricter with her granddaughter.isects.Now,a hilltop is set alight to pray for health and a good harvest in the coming year-as well asC.Stop contacting her granddaughter.D.Accept her granddaughter's changea torchlight march,rock lifting,and a straw rope making competition.C21.Where is the bonfire capital of the world?Climate change is predicted to make wildfires more frequent,with a global increase of extreme firesA.In Japan.B.In Englandof up to 14 pereent by 2030,30 percent by the end of 2050 and 50 percent by the end of the century.C.In South Korea.D.In Central America.according to a new report by the UN Environment Programme(UNEP).22.What is the original purpose of the Fire and Snow Festival?Wildlife and its natural habitats are rarely spared from wildfires,pushing some animal and plantA.To drive away bad spirits.B.To celebrate a good harvest.species closer to extinction.A recent example is the Australian 2020 bushfires,which are estimated toC.To get precious fire for farmingD.To promote different ball games.have wiped out billions of wild animals.23.What do the last two festivals have in common?The report,released before the publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changereport on impacts,adaptation and vulnerability(),however,calls on governments to adopt aA.Sweet cakes are served up thereB.There are insects producing light.C.They are held in the same month.D.They feature various competitions.new Fire Ready Formula,with two-thirds of spending devoted to planning,prevention,preparedness,and recovery,and one third left for response.Currently,direct responses to wildfires typically receiveBover half of related expenditures(),while planning and prevention receive less than one percent.I checked my phone again.Still nothing from my 13-year-old granddaughter,Noelle."Current government responses to wildfires are often putting money in the wrong place.ThoseFor years,Noelle and her family lived close by,and she and I spent a lot of time together.It madeemergency service workers and firefighters who are risking their lives to fight forest wildfires need to bemy day to see Noelle's face light up whenever I arrived.Then my husband and I moved to a differentsupported.We have to minimize the risk of extreme wildfires by being better prepared:invest more inpart of the San Francisco Bay Area.It wasn't an impossible distance,but the pandemic spread,andfire risk reduction,work with local communities,and strengthen global commitment to fight climatethen my regular visits to Noelle came to an abrupt end.change,"said Inger Andersen,UNEP Executive Director.For a while,Noelle and I kept up via text messages and occasional phone calls.Gradually,her textWildfires are made worse by climate change through increased drought,high air temperatures,lowreplies took longer to arrive.Phone calls became brief and a bit awkward.relative humidity,lightning,and strong winds resulting in hotter,drier,and longer fire seasons.AtNothing I tried seemed to break through Noelle's sudden wall of indifference().What was Ithe same time,climate change is made worse by wildfires,mostly by sensitive and carbon-richdoing wrong?ecosystems like rainforest.Noelle got six chickens to raise during lockdown.I asked about them every time we talked.ButAccording to the report,there is a need to better understand the behavior of wildfires.Achievingcaring for the chickens seemed more interesting to her than talking to me.She was often busy withwildfire preventinreqreombntiof policesl frmework and wy tht refrnothem and didn't come to the phone when I called the house.the environment.Was I being supplanted in my granddaughter's heart by a bunch of...chickens?28.What does the data in the first paragraph suggest?At last,my hushand and I scheduled a visit to Noelle's house.We pulled up to Noelle's house.A.Climate change is worsened by wildfires.Out she came with the rest of her family.B.There will be more wildfires in the future.【2023届高考横块分段测试卷(一)·英语第3页(共8页)】【2023届高考模块分段测试卷(一)·英语第4页(共8页)】
