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th(58)wth acrops and fruitsant.Nowadays,there areSo I hve viid Francewalkhe festival,and there aree I love traveling becauseI'mis festival is the fantasticmaodicediodfaemaulhrndcoldmake)your own Chineseboad-mindad adn本文词数:290建议al Chinese pastries(油酥dependent I plan to visi ome of the beIt may sound like sometmade of red beans,lotusGreat Wall of Chind and he Leaning owerWas,but Hyundai's plaof Pisa in Italy第2阴A版测试晒参老答案closer to reality after tince they came out,andI-5 ADACB6 10 CBACClaunched a new S20 milllavors or fillings.When11-15 BCBAB16-20 BCACAthe New Horizon Studio21-25 CBARA26-30 CDDDAu,try some new flavors!31-35 BBCAD36-40 CEFGDThe aim of the Nethe world where there is41-45 BDCDA46-50 BACDCopened in Montana in t51 55 BADBCflavors come out every56-65 (One possible version)for future customers wh56.grudunlly57 whereterrain(地形),which is58 usedground vehicles.The stud59.have been allowedment of Ultimate Mob60.as61 communities62 having63.to storecar with legs that can64 imagination65 beforethat is difficult to drivwork because his wifeThe Elevate concearlos called and got the弟一节All Terrain Armouredhim a 45-day extensionDear AmyHow is everything?I'm writing to invitefound in the Star Warsos tearfully and walkedyou to join us in paying a visit to thewheels with legs thatchildren's home n the ofterrain.Its aim is toly explained to me howpext SaturdayWe'll gather at the school gate at 9 amll him anytime and thatext Salurday and then set out by schoolouldn't fix the problem.bus After arriving at the children's home.we're going to read books to the kids andplay games with them,which I believe willalk to the lady with thebring greal joy to them.And we'll retur insome cookies to thankthe afteroonIf you can go with us,don't hesitate toin the store for only tentell me Besides it would be better if youso much humility(谦could prepare some small gifts for the kidsYours,inking about CarlosLi Huamade everyone feel like第二节caring about money asParugraph 1:A woman run towcrds them,saying shever his kindness.sa nse and coud help.She repeated thetall man's actions,but her actions appearednt an emoil to Carlos'smore skillful and proper.Suddenly,a pieceof candy flew fiom Noah's mouth And Noahcried,showing he could breathe,which madeall the poople smile with relief.Ava expressedsincere gratitude to both the nurse and theman Then she held Noah in her arms.Soon.Noah's face returned to normal color.Thenurse was there and rubbed his back to helpcalm the child as he recoveredlater,Carlos didn'tParagraph 2:That day,Ava realized the importance offurat aid Before the nurse lef.Ava askedher to teach her and the other people how toproperty rescue a peron fiom cboking.Theyall listendto her instructio carefully.Later,Ava posted her exprienceonine to remind答案见下期A版中缝)more people to pay attention to first aid.Now she is attndingafirst aid course tha子信箱:yb123@126.comcan quip her to deal with more meries日尚华路99号邮编:710018Ava hopes one day she can offer effectivehelp to others in need just like therse《双语学习报)高一、高二
