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炎德英才大联考 长沙市一中2024届高三月考试卷(二)英语答案

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炎德英才大联考 长沙市一中2024届高三月考试卷(二)英语答案,目前2024届衡中同卷答案网已经汇总了炎德英才大联考 长沙市一中2024届高三月考试卷(二)英语答案的各科答案和试卷,更多2024届衡中同卷答案网请关注本网站。

of Screen Time.In the book,Anya surveys hundreds of parents on their practices and ideasand she takes a practical look at the subject.You may not remember that the iPhone was introduced in 2007 and the iPad came out in2010.But screen time is nothing new.When your parents were growing up,they watchedtelevision and probably played video games,too.Mobile devices are different,though.This is because they can come with us wherever wego:to the dinner table,into the car,into the bedroom...It means they interrupt us whenwe're trying to have family time.The solution is to take some time to enjoy your devices withyour family,perhaps by watching a movie or just our program.It's the best way for kids togrow up healthily in our digital world.Stop and think!【英语试题卷参考答案第2页(共5页)LL】3018C参考答案1~5 CBACA 6~10 ABCBA 11~15 BCACA 16~20 BBCBC第二部分阅读理解第一节本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了四款可以帮助使用者交到新朋友的应用程序。21.B细节理解题。根据Atleto部分中的“Atleto is an app that builds on this‘exercisecontagion()'phenomenon by bringing together athletic people to take exercisetogether and organize group activities.You can choose from over 40 sports and find yourcommunity of people who like to be in a sweat..”可知,该应用程序旨在吸引那些希望一起运动的人。22.D细节理解题。根据Friender部分中的“Friender solves that problem quickly with analgorithm()that only matches you based on your favourite activities and interests.This friend-finding app makes it easy to get into conversations that you care about'”可知,Friender可以让人们与志同道合的人聊天。23.A细节理解题。根据Skout部分中的“It's perfect for meeting people while traveling,moving,or entering a new chapter of life.One of the best features is the ability to discoverpeople directly nearby”可知,Skout可以帮助用户在附近快速认识新朋友。3本文是一篇新闻报道。主要讲述了印度首都德里政府推出了“幸福课”,旨在将该国的学术重心从学生成绩转变为精神健康。24.C细节理解题。根据第一段中“introduced by the government..from studentsachievement to emotional well-being”可知,新课程一幸福课更注重学生的精神健康。25.D推理判断题。根据第二段中“We have given best--of-the-best talent to the world”推断可知,世界上有印度最优秀的人才。26.A细节理解题。根据第三段中“Once you start to practise living with happiness,then itbecomes part of your life.”可知。27.D推理判断题。根据末段中“The government has made changes..the exams again..”可推知,印度政府采取行动来改善他们的教育系统C本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了古生物学家Andrew Knoll以及他的一些理念。28.D细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,Andrew Knoll的故事主要关注了地球上的生命的出现,板块如何漂移,山川湖海如何变迁,即地球在很长一段时间内的发展史。29.C推理判断题。根据第三段中“He really tries to combine all the available data一thegeological,the biological and the chemical and puts things in perspective().He'snot..‘Oh.·period',”可知,Andrew Knoll能够在融合地理学、生物学和化学知识的基础上解读化石的形成过程。30.A词义猜测题。根据画线词下文可知,Knol1在12岁时激动于自己将破开化石并探索出前人未曾发现的秘密,故被化石吸引。3l.B文章意图题。全文主要介绍了古生物学家Andrew Knoll以及他的一些理念。D本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了根据笑声可以推断出发出笑声者的一些信息。32.B细节理解题。根据第一段中“Spontaneous laughter is typically an unconscious(无意识的)reaction,for example,to jokes.”可知,自发的笑常常是对笑话等事物的无意识的反应,也就是说,自发的笑是人们在不受控制的状态下发生的。33.A推理判断题。根据第三段可知,参与研究的荷兰人和日本人分别要从三个不同的方面去识别他们所听到的笑声片段:判断笑声发出者是否来自他们自己的文化群体;判断笑声是自发的还是自主的;评价每段笑声的积极性。【英语试题卷参考答案第3页(共5页)LL】3018C
