



0The global sea level has risen by eight to nine inches since 1880.Rising sea levels cause anexistential threat for some small islands and some low-lying coasts.In a response to this threat,theBusan Metropolitan City of the Republic of Korea,and the company OCEANIX revealed theworld's first model floating city,OCEANIX Busan.OCEANIX Busan has six intcgraled systems focusing on energy,food,water,waste,mobilityand coastal habitat regeneration to ensure the floating city reuses and wastes as little as possible.The floating city has no roadways to support walking,biking,and autonomous electric vehicles,so it won't produce any vchiclc cmissions.Floating and rooftop photovoltaic pancls()willgenerate()100%of the operational energy needed for the city.OCEANIX Busan will consist of three floating neighborhoods totaling 15.5 acres.That'sabout as much surfacc as a dozen football ficlds,and according to the developers,it has cnoughroom to house 12,000 people.The neighborhoods will connect to one another and the mainlandvia bridges,and each will serve a specific purposc.The living neighborhood will have residentialbuildings,shops and food sellers,and a "community backyard"where residents can gather at itscenter.The lodging neighborhood will be built to support visitors-it'll have many shopping anddining options,as well as gucst rooms designed to maximize occan views.The third ncighborhoodwill be a co-working and research center,with a temperature-controlled space at its center forhydroponic agriculture."Today is an important milestone for all coastal cities and island nations on the frontlines ofclimate change.We are on track to delivering OCEANIX Busan and proving that floatinginfrastructure(基础设施)can create new land for coastal cities looking for sustainable(可持续的)ways to expand onto the ocean,while adapting to sea-level rise,"said Philipp Hofnann,CEO ofOCEANIX.28.What is the purposc of designing OCEANIX Busan?A.To promote the development of tourism.B.To deal with the threat from rising sea levels.C.To allow pcople to enjoy the pleasant coastal climate.D.To monitor the effect ofelimate change on small islands.29.Which word best describes OCEANIX Busan's mode of operation?A.Digital.B.Flexible.C.Sustainable.D.Individual30.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?A.The features of the residential buildingsB.The structure of the floating neighborhoods.C.The difficulties of building OCEANIX Busan.D.The measures to attract visitors to OCEANIX Busan.31.What is the best title of the passage?5
本文标签: 金太阳答案
